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The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:49 pm
by hanabushi
I'm curious if anyone has any information as to what has happened to this line? Are they discontinuing them? The last information I've been able to turn up has been on the LIV Brites series, who have truly sucktastic articulation. I haven't seen them at any of the usual retailers (Target, WalMart, TRU, etc.) and would be sad to see them go--they had the second best articulated body to the imports, certainly the best for playline dolls.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:03 pm
by Taxel
They've already been discontinued, unfortunately. ): A while back there were huge sales on them. As a huge Liv collector, I was pretty devastated when I heard.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:11 pm
by ArtCresc
The Sleepover Party wave (with the sleepy eyes) was the final wave of Liv. The pastels and brites shared the same base bodies as Spin Master's Victorious dolls line (limited articulation, but I had liked the different plastic they'd switched to).

La Dee Da is Spin Master's current primary doll line. Competition is getting fierce out there; stylistically, they're going head to head against Cutie Pops from Jada Toys, and letting MGA duke it out with Mattel (Bratz versus Barbie, Bratzillaz versus Monster High).

I've not picked one up myself, but you should be able to find Runway Vacay's already on clearance at Target if you're interested. You'll want to move fast, though.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:04 am
by hanabushi
Well @#$#@%. That sucks. I mostly used them as base bodies for customs, but still. **shakes head** I'll have to keep my eyes open at the Thrift Stores then, I've been able to pick them up here and there. How very sad to see such a quality line go.

Not feeling La Dee Da. I think Spinmaster made an unfortunate error here. They could have engineered a jump onto the "paranormal" (MH, Bratzillas) bandwagon with some fashion packs.

Thanks for the heads up on sales and the information, all the same. :)

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:33 am
by DollyKim
Paranormal Liv would have been interesting. I have the Alice in Wonderland set, a guy, and a spare tan girl. I bought the set thinking I'd have skin comparison questions to answer and did my pattern book thinking they'd go on. Oh well.

The best I can offer is tell the company how much you liked them and that you wish they'd make them again or use the body with another line. I was happy enough to put them on the short list of companies to consider if I needed playline versions of some projects I was working on.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:48 pm
by Lon
It's a danm shame. Even people with no use for a LIV doll loved their clothing, wigs and accessories. La Dee Da has their fans but their stuff just isn't as compatible with other lines.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:24 pm
by magkelly
Lon wrote:It's a danm shame. Even people with no use for a LIV doll loved their clothing, wigs and accessories. La Dee Da has their fans but their stuff just isn't as compatible with other lines.

+1 here. Honestly the charm of the dolls themselves didn't last with me. Almost every Liv doll I bought, and I bought a lot of them on clearance actually, ended up giving up her body to a Barbie of some sort. I still have a Katie, a Hayden, and a Jake on their posable bodies plus one of each character's head in a bag but that's it. The Moxie Teens just totally blew the Liv dolls out of the water for me. I fell in love with those and just lost most of my interest in Liv except for the bodies and the wigs. Never did like the Liv clothes much actually except for the ones they did for the school dance, the jeans, and certain pairs of shoes. But the wigs? I bought nearly every darned one of them, multiple copies of some even, because they fit so many of my other dolls. A few clips to style (or not) and I can use them with Tonner, with Gene, with Alex, with the MT's, Bratz, even on MH dolls in a pinch.

I loved easily getting colorful $6 wigs. I know Liv likely won't be back but I do hope that a similar doll will come out in terms of the 5-6 sized wigs. There are a few Bratz now that have them and of course MH dolls have them albeit they are smaller, but those are totally inferior wigs to what were made for Liv and the MT's. True, the first few MT wigs were kind of crappy, but many the later ones I like and use a lot. Liv wigs, not always perfect either. The ones they did for the Twist and Dance series are really nasty, but overall they were decent enough that I didn't have to spend $20 plus on Monique wigs just to get a fun wardrobe of 5-6 wigs for my dolls. I will really miss being able to go there. Plus the posable bodies are just just awesome. My Barbies love them... :)

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:02 pm
by maywong
They have discounted this line a while ago. However you can still find them at Big Lot, Tuesday Morning, and TJ Max.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:52 pm
by hanabushi
DollyKim wrote:Paranormal Liv would have been interesting. I have the Alice in Wonderland set, a guy, and a spare tan girl. I bought the set thinking I'd have skin comparison questions to answer and did my pattern book thinking they'd go on. Oh well.

I wanted to pick up the Alice In Wonderland set back when it came out but couldn't justify the cost at the time. Now I'm sadly kicking myself.

Re: The End Of LIV?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:54 pm
by hanabushi
Lon wrote:It's a danm shame. Even people with no use for a LIV doll loved their clothing, wigs and accessories. La Dee Da has their fans but their stuff just isn't as compatible with other lines.

Agreed. I think I'm going to miss the wigs most of all. I'm going to have to hit the stores that y'all so kindly mentioned and see if I can snag at least some of the accessory packs. :/