lilreeper wrote:The wigs are being sold separately later in the fall. You will be able to change them.

I'm impressed by how the wigs look. They look much different from LIV wigs. I despise that plastic headcap and the fact the hair never stay the way I want them.
I style my liv wigs with hot and ice water. like boil perming but with a paintbrush. I microwave a cup of water to boiling then dip a paintbrush into it (also good is a eyebrow brush cause it also has a comb) and "paint" the hair, style quickly then "paint" again in place. I then paint on ice water to set it. have a makeup sponge to stick under the bangs to keep them from plastering themselves to the forehead and getting a odd kink from the edge of the wigcap. you can trim the sponge to the shape you want the banges to lay. works really well.
for tameing the "packageing kink" in the straight hair, hold just the back of the wig under hot running tap water. hot enough to be uncomfortable will do. comb the hair under the stream for a few minutes. then turn the tap to the coldest setting and repeat. let dry.