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Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:48 pm
by lilreeper
Anyone have any info on these? I read a few articles and saw them on the toys r us website but still unsure what to think. They're tall at 14" and IMO they look okay but my favorite is, no surprise, character 3.

Anyone got any owner pics/reviews to share?

Here's the toys r us link to character 3 if anyone's interested: ... Id=4082009

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:37 pm
by JenniesDolls
Lots of info here:

I ordered Character 3 which is Tristan and I expect to have her possibly tomorrow or on Tuesday. I will share pics when I get her. Also try Flickr and just search Moxie Teenz lots of pictures and info there too. I am not fond of the original moxies as they have them aweful removable shoe/feet but these have attached feetsies I have read that they can wear Liv wigs if you remove the peg. Can't wait to get my girl and see one in person.

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:03 pm
by leopardessmoon
interesting....I hope they sell wigs separately. I think I am addicted to wigs. I have most of the Liv girl ones!

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:11 pm
by lilreeper
The wigs are being sold separately later in the fall. You will be able to change them. :) I'm impressed by how the wigs look. They look much different from LIV wigs. I despise that plastic headcap and the fact the hair never stay the way I want them.

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:54 pm
by leopardessmoon
lilreeper wrote:The wigs are being sold separately later in the fall. You will be able to change them. :) I'm impressed by how the wigs look. They look much different from LIV wigs. I despise that plastic headcap and the fact the hair never stay the way I want them.

I style my liv wigs with hot and ice water. like boil perming but with a paintbrush. I microwave a cup of water to boiling then dip a paintbrush into it (also good is a eyebrow brush cause it also has a comb) and "paint" the hair, style quickly then "paint" again in place. I then paint on ice water to set it. have a makeup sponge to stick under the bangs to keep them from plastering themselves to the forehead and getting a odd kink from the edge of the wigcap. you can trim the sponge to the shape you want the banges to lay. works really well.

for tameing the "packageing kink" in the straight hair, hold just the back of the wig under hot running tap water. hot enough to be uncomfortable will do. comb the hair under the stream for a few minutes. then turn the tap to the coldest setting and repeat. let dry.

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:03 pm
by lilreeper
Keeping the wigs brushed and looking nice enough for photos is no problem for me, I'm pretty obsessive about that, I just really don't like the quality of the wigs. They could have been made SO much better.

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:53 pm
by Pandor
I want Tristan so bad. *bites lower lip*
I'd probably put her on a shorter body, she'd keep my Liv girl company...

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:44 pm
by Greyhaunt
Ending today July 3rd, Toys R Us has them buy one get one 1/2 off. And if you spend $49.99 you get free postage - good time to snag one if you are interested.

Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:42 pm
by Mary Kathryn
I picked up Tristan last week. I really like her.
Here's the skinny. the wigs are essentially the same as Liv wigs. Same plastic cap and everything. Their heads are close enough in size that the MT's can wear Liv wigs. They also can wear any other 5/6 wigs you might have. They're kind of lightweight considering the cost but I'm a sucker for the inset eyes and the eyelashes. They're about 14" tall - most of it is leg- and they're very slender. They can wear Barbie tops and dresses but not pants. Dawn (my Tristan) is wearing Ken jeans that fit her perfectly as capris. Also, shoes are an issue. Her feet are just big enough that Liv shoes won't fit. Neither will flats for Barbie. She can wear Ken's shoes. Also, if you have any hightop tennis shoes for Blythe the work as well.




Re: Moxie Teenz the new LIV?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:53 pm
by lilreeper
She looks great! How does she pose?