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Bondageish dolly and Momma to be doll

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Bondageish dolly and Momma to be doll

Postby DisneyHorder » Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:30 am

Abby is dressed for bondage, slight face up.

Lagoona is dressed for when my Gil doll gets his sea horse jacket.

Both of these were roller maze dolls, redone for my amusement, more sharpie work went into lagoona, click through the pictures for both if you care too.

http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/Disne ... 9.jpg.html

http://s1366.photobucket.com/user/Disne ... 3.jpg.html
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Re: Bondageish dolly and Momma to be doll

Postby Nella » Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:30 am

Ah, they're pretty! :)
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