Very belated box-opening pics! Took these weeks ago... Then exams happened But they're up now
Shipping box:
Cool sticker
Internal box:
Bright green sleeve:
Cool box art - you can really tell they're trying desperately to make this a collector's item
Looking a bit creepy in the window!
Random thingies:
Eyelid details:
Her body is quite nice; sturdy and proportion-wise a bit like a fashionista barbie. She poses almost as well as a Liv Doll
Four eye-colours (sorry the photos here are crud!) The mechanism works quite well, though it does tend to get stuck between two of the colours:
Dark grey/blue
Light grey/colourless
Acid green:
Combs and things...
Passport and Cert. of Authenticity:
They're really really trying to make this a collector's item!
Details of inside the passport:
Removed her wig - really didn't like the texture; but it suited her quite well - lots of glue residue here but I've heard the newer releases aren't attached and work more like bjd wigs
She's pretty easy to take apart (please excuse the rather grubby paint-mat!)
Face-wiped - it's pretty easy to remove with some Isopropanol and magic-sponge:
New eyelash details... Probably should have left them as-is but I couldn't resist repainting them since my Pullip-clone could never really have her eyes shut!
New face-up in slightly better light:
Seriously love the bright green eyes!
Freyr invasion!!
Om Nom Nom!
Overall adore Tangkou! She's great value for what you get - I bought her for £20GBP - which is roughly how much the more expensive MH dolls are; the eye mechs are pretty cool and she's nice and easy to customise