Thanks for all the replies!! I'm happy to see so many of you well adjusted with this hobby!!! I think
Babs Poser made a really, really good point. While my family isn't exactly
happy that I'm an artistic shut-in, they're not like "OMG I DISOWN YOU FOR LIKING DOLLS". It's more...general public reaction.
Babs Poser? I can totally relate because every time I'm in the boys isle perusing action figures I try to act vapid and like I
so don't know what I'm looking for like I'm the annoyed young mother shopping for her son (25 is still young enough to get away with the little brother routine too). So yeah, my Optimus Prime is your Barbie lingerie. XDDD
I feel it's more of a general public shame type thing. I have a...
thing about embarrassment. It's completely fine if it happens to other people or if someone messes up while talking to me, but if
I make a faux paus I completely overreact to the point of overblowing the entire situation. The other day I tripped and knocked down a few small display items because I have a very hard time walking (I have back issues, long story), and I spent like ten minutes apologizing to the girl who had to clean up after me to the point that I knew she was just thinking in her head
'Shut up lady, I get it, shit happens, go away now.'.
Siead, you always make me laugh when you comment. And I agree, often the people doing the demeaning are the ones with much bigger issues themselves. I can just imagine the conversation:
Doll Collector's Friend: Omg, did you
really need to spend $30 on a doll for kids?
Doll Collector: Omg, can you just like,
not be a raging alcoholic?
*Crickets chirping*
so unless you're punching out little kids to get the last frankie stien on the shelf, you're good.
<---This made me laugh,
hard, until I remembered that this shit really happens. I have literally seen an adult verbally browbeat a child into giving them the last such-and-such toy. I hear about it all the time.
DollyKim, I'm glad to hear you look at it in such a zen way.
Geektopian: Yeah, money is another big guilt factor for me. I'm not exactly what you'd call rolling in wealth (more like the opposite), and I'm going to drop $300+
on a doll? That's kind of where the guilt comes from, but then again it's a pasttime, I have a rather severe injury that leaves me mostly bed/couch bound, and if I didn't have some sort of outlet I'd go mad effing crazy, so, let's just say clocktowers everywhere are safe for now. XD
Kirahfaye: XDD, you're another healthy outlook person and lucky enough that your daughter likes them too!! Plus, your husband and his revolvers, my Uncle is a huge revolver nut, and before my injury I would regularly go shooting with him (range shooting that is), so I know what a big-money hobby
that is!!! His "Ebay" is the online version of our local gun shop, which he checks every day, and whenever he scores a new one he comes over and makes sure I properly fawn over his newest "baby". XDD Not that I mind, I miss the sheer fun of the hobby and the bonding time. He misses it too, which is why he makes it a point to lug over his newest toys, I know. XD
Guns and dolls, who woulda thought!? Although when your hubby gets one of the guns, try it out with him
Kirahfaye, you may just find you like it as much as he does! If you both like it, it could be a good faux "date night" sometime. ^_~