Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o
Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:17 pm
Okay so I'm in the process of making a custom Ai Enma Pure Neemo. I already have the body (it's a white XS, I'm so proud of myself for finding it. ) and I was going to get some re-ment clothes, but I decided against it because I read somewhere that they only fit 9-12" dolls. D: But then I saw someone post a picture on deviantart of their custom Ai in a nurse costume, saying she was in re-ment clothes. The person said Ai is a Pure Neemo, not Picco so now I'm re-ment (and while I'm asking, Picco Neemo) clothes fit Pure Neemo XS? That would make my life so much easier, you don't even know...thanks for the help.^^