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Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:17 pm
by MagicalGirlMimi
Okay so I'm in the process of making a custom Ai Enma Pure Neemo. I already have the body (it's a white XS, I'm so proud of myself for finding it. :D) and I was going to get some re-ment clothes, but I decided against it because I read somewhere that they only fit 9-12" dolls. D: But then I saw someone post a picture on deviantart of their custom Ai in a nurse costume, saying she was in re-ment clothes. The person said Ai is a Pure Neemo, not Picco so now I'm re-ment (and while I'm asking, Picco Neemo) clothes fit Pure Neemo XS? That would make my life so much easier, you don't even know...thanks for the help.^^

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:09 pm
by MeltedCaramel
YandereToyBox, what are re-ment clothes, I hope you don't mind me asking? :) I have a pure neemo boy that would love a wardrobe besides his winter school outfit, and I'm hoping to buy him a cute little girly companion soon. :D Kaname Madoka is adorable.

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:17 pm
by DollyKim
Re Ment (plastic crack) is a brand name of miniature food and stuff that a lot of doll collectors use. A few years ago they put out some clothes that fit the Licca doll and others who are about 22cm tall with small busts. I never bought any of the clothes and don't have any Neemos so I can't answer the original question.

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:23 pm
by MeltedCaramel
Thank you for the answer to my question though Dollykim!! Now I'll be waiting along with the OP for the answer to their question. :D

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:03 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
If it's about the same measurements as a 21cm Obitsu then they'll fit but might be a bit on the baggy side. They seem to be made to fit normal-sized Blythes (the dressmaker's dummy Re-ment do fits most of the clothes I have from them perfectly, and it's about Blythe size).

I can take pics, but it might not be til Monday - I have some of their casual clothes, none of the uniforms.

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:30 pm
by MagicalGirlMimi
@ShortNCuddlyAm: Thank you for your answer. ^_^ And pictures would be very helpful, thank you.^^

@MeltedCaramel: I'm in the same situation right now, having a little boy and trying to get a little girl. X3 The girls are super hard to shop for, aren't they? :/ Well, Azones in general seems to be. :/ At any rate, I would love to see some pictures. ^_^

@DollyKim: Thanks for your answer. ^_^

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:29 pm
by MeltedCaramel
ShortNCuddlyAm Oh please whenever you get a chance will you snap some pics? :D Pure Neemo has been so hard to shop for!!

YandereToybox You're in the same situation?? Dollieh soul sisters for the win!!! :lol: Out of curiousity, what boy do you own? And what sort of girl are you looking for? The Azone Pure Neemo girls are hard to shop for. My boy is blonde so I definitely don't want a blonde or white haired girlie, cute as they are. So I'm even more limited! What sort of girlie were you looking for? And you were asking me for pics? Just to clarify, you want pics of my Pure Neemo boy? Or were you talking to ShortNCuddlyAm there? :oops: Sorry, I'm not used to people being interested in my dolls if you were talking to me! If you by chance WERE talking to me, I'll gladly snap some pics! :lol:

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 7:58 pm
by MagicalGirlMimi
@MeltedCaramel: I own the regular Ciel Phantomhive. ^_^ And I'm making a custom Ai Enma, she's so perf for Ciel. <33 And yes, I wanna see pics of your Azones. ^_^ I can PM if you want. :33

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:49 pm
by MeltedCaramel
I'm Pming you YandereToyBox!! <3

Re: Do re-ment clothes fit Pure Neemo? :o

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:09 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
The closest I have is a Mobility S size body Neemo. I can only speak for the uniform series that I bought for my M bust Obitsu. the other outfits can be hit or miss.

It fits my Neemo better than my Obitsu