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Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:22 am
by ~TurkishDelight~
Were there ever any pale male Neo-Goh heads and bodies? I was looking at the head sculpts, and I thought some of the heads looked better than Obitsu's for some of the characters I want to make, but the problem is my bodies are Obitsu pale, and Volks only has Natural and Guy color for Goh heads. :roll:

Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:57 am
by DollyKim
They only make Natural and Guy but you can put a natural head on a normal colored Obitsu. I have a normal Obitsu head on a Goh body and he matches fine.


Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:06 pm
by MeltedCaramel
~TurkishDelight~ There's always going to be a SLIGHT colour mismatch. DollyKim's picture (while strangely adorable yet I'm afraid to ask what's going on! :lol: ) is taken in a certain light which happens to favourably show the body/head combination. The vinyl heads and the plastic bodies almost never have the EXACT same tone, whether they're supposed to or not (check out an Obitsu pale head on an Obitsu pale body!! :shock: ), but what sculpts exactly where you looking at? I can possibly help you a little better there. :D The general rule everyone goes by though is this:

Volks Light= Obitsu Pale
Volks Natural=Obitsu Regular
Volks Tan/Guy= No exact Obitsu "match", can use Regular body in a pinch

But to my knowledge, they never made any pale Neo-Goh bodies. :(

On the bright side, a Volks Natural/Obitsu Regular combo is still really darn pale if that's what you're looking for!! <3

Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:56 pm
by DollyKim
He was shot in natural sunlight and no matter what the lighting situation is he works, I have a Volks rooted head on an Obitsu that works too. I have some whole Obitsu and whole Volks bought at the same time that don't match perfectly.

As for Rian and his Muppet sometimes a picture is just a picture.

Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:39 pm
by MeltedCaramel
He was shot in natural sunlight and no matter what the lighting situation is he works, I have a Volks rooted head on an Obitsu that works too. I have some whole Obitsu and whole Volks bought at the same time that don't match perfectly.
<----I'm not trying to make it sound like you're deliberately skewing results, I'm just saying they're not a PERFECT match, though your picture happens to make it look that way. I just want ~TurkishDelight~ to understand that while most of these are actually pretty close, none of them are 100% perfect matches. I also own both Volks and Obitsus to compare so I can say with certainty that while they come extremely close (the Natural volks/Regular Obitsu combination works gorgeously together, and the Light Volks/pale Obitsu works pretty nicely too), they're not a perfect match. For 99% of the populace this works fine, but in case it's a certain project/certain colour-head combos are needed, etc, her particular project might not have a match. That's all I was saying.

As for Rian and his Muppet sometimes a picture is just a picture.
<----Okay? :? I don't get the muppets and have no idea who this guy (muppet or man) so perhaps that's were my confusion is coming from.

Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:57 am
by DollyKim
It's okay, I bought a digital color card for future pictures to help correct for lighting, monitors, and all that.

The puppet is from Muppets Tonight and Muppets in Space, he's Dr Neuter, and the doll is based on Brian Henson his puppeteer.

Re: Were there ever any pale Neo-Gohs?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 5:15 pm
by MeltedCaramel
DollyKim wrote:It's okay, I bought a digital color card for future pictures to help correct for lighting, monitors, and all that.

The puppet is from Muppets Tonight and Muppets in Space, he's Dr Neuter, and the doll is based on Brian Henson his puppeteer.

Ahhh, for the lighting I just wanted to make sure ~TurkishDelight~ wasn't getting the wrong impression because your picture happens to make the colours look like they match exactly, and unfortunately even with dolls of the same BRAND the vinyl/plastic combination is going to make it look a little off.

I knew he was a muppet, but I had no idea the doll was based off of Brian Henson!! :D What a cute idea!!