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Fallindoll Rabi and Force

PostPosted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:26 pm
by Faydreams
While looking on flickr today I came across a post for Fallindoll Rabi and Force. They are 30cm Ball Jointed ABS Plastic dolls. I know it is just too bad my bank account can't afford the $65 dollars for one of them right now. Maybe at the end of the month...

Anyway, I thought you guys might get a huge kick out of seeing them.

Link to the company site

Link for them on Junkyspot

And a ladies review

I'd post pictures on here but have none of my own to post. Maybe, if they are still in stock when I have the money, I will have some soon.

Re: Fallindoll Rabi and Force

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:59 am
by MitisFeles
I saw on Mimiwoo the Fallindoll stuffed doll and fell in love with her adorable face, but never dared to order it, because it was quite pricey in my opinion to be a stuffed animal with an ABS cute face.
Now the bunny is really tempting me... the neck is a bit thick for my tastes but that body! And that cute feet! *_* and it's grey! (totally sucker for grey dolls)

Re: Fallindoll Rabi and Force

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:54 pm
by MeltedCaramel
I adore the "Force" doll. Oh my. It's like a much cheaper substitute for the Manticore/Oz resin dolls that I'll never be able to save up for before they're sold out. *Sobs* But Force is such a cutie!! I wonder how he'd look a bit more anthropomorphic with a wig and a different faceup? I'm very tempted to find out. :D