by Calivano » Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:02 pm
Hey Mica!
I'm sorry to hear about your Delilah Doll, that is kinda sad. But If you're unhappy about her, you could probably sell her, like Greyhaunt says. But I think ultimately you may regret it. You probably wont recover the full cost of her, so you may want to get her modded somehow. I have a Delilah Noir, and I'm really happy with her. I was starting to get bored with her so I bought her some new clothes and a new wig, now i'm pretty happy with her! I don't think she is as pretty as my Iplehouse Luna, she doesn't compare, but I still think she is pretty in her own way. I also have problems with her feet, they are...curvy and I cant put on flat shoes. They say you'll ruin her feet if you try to take them off, so I haven't tried yet...Im not really into the goth/death look on any doll, even though Delilah herself is more of a goth doll. But if it is done right, I appreciate its art. Im not sure why Ashton drake released Delilah Dark and Defiant, but it might not have been one of their better business moves...IMHO.
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and... ridiculous and sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles..."
-11th Doctor