Aha! I *knew* she wasn't meant to be mine! Omg, just look at her! She totally belongs with you - she has a 'spirit' to her now, so to speak. With me, she had no inner...anything. I just love what you've done, and btw, aluminum + purple + white?
never would'a thunk it myself, but man, it favors her so well ! Feel free to change her name, she was named that because:
when I first got her, I wanted a bigger girl, my first ever resin. Drawing fairies alot and looking at prices, I chose her for her ears and long fingers..and the pout,lol. When I got her, she seemed ..well, empty, as I said before. When I put a purple wig on, I got a little something from her personality, and again with a lime green long wig. But always, when it came to her inner self, all I ever got from her was just that ; a Whisper. Ya learn something new every day, lol! So yeah, now that she has a personality, maybe she won't be just a whisper anymore I'll post pics of my darling this weekend, and again, I think this was a trade meant to be!