Besides the truly awesome 2" wide eyeglasses that were made by ???? company a few years ago and sold on eBay, but are no longer there, that I ADORE since they're so realistic and realistically sized (are now seen here on SD and MSD heads): ... ht=glasses also recently Alice's Collections has created some okay looking 1/3 glasses and sunglasses and 1/4 sunglasses: ... d58ac5f81aShe often has a really good sale price on jeans or shirts, too and if you buy them together to offset the s/h costs, it's not bad at all!!!
I prefer the first ones for true realism look and beauty, but they are FRAGILE. I own about 9 pairs, all different frames and about 1/2 of them have broken. Of course, our dolls wear them nonstop and Satoshi (the main glasses guy) abuses his glasses by wearing them OUTSIDE on his cap/hat, which stretches them out and eventually breaks them.....
But even after they've broken at the hinge (they're so delicate because they are SO realistically sized/scaled!!!) we've glued them together and they're fine and still work. (Just can't 'shut' them anymore.)
Here are Satoshi & June wearing a few of theirs:
Jun before his new faceup and before his eyes were modified to be smaller....
(Just to be clear, these are not the ones from Alice's Collections but rather the unknown manufacturer ones that the seller on DoA is currently selling. ^^)
I think some do look nice on MSD as well as SD sizes. ^^