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Just ordered a Hujoo Leo

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Re: Just ordered a Hujoo Leo

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:59 pm

Daven Murasakii wrote:I ordered a Leo too, hopefully he will be here tomorrow ... any complains about him so far?

He has high arches on his feet so he can't really stand without his shoes on.

His faceplate is difficult to get off and on.

Other than that, nothing to complain about, really.
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Re: Just ordered a Hujoo Leo

Postby Daven Murasakii » Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:55 pm

Lamia of the Dark wrote:
Daven Murasakii wrote:I ordered a Leo too, hopefully he will be here tomorrow ... any complains about him so far?

He has high arches on his feet so he can't really stand without his shoes on.

His faceplate is difficult to get off and on.

Other than that, nothing to complain about, really.

I found out how hard it was the hard way. I broke my nails with it, but its still worth it cuz he is the cutest boy evah
If you can't look hot while being stripped off your clothes and wig then you aren't worth your salt

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Daven Murasakii
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