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Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID Ryan

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Re: Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID R

Postby famedglory » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:46 pm

I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with her. I hope you're handling this okay, I know it's really hard.
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Re: Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID R

Postby Evelien » Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:53 pm

Thanks so much. I got really emotional when I first heard it but she assured me she's okay now. She's getting strong pain killers now. My sister was with her when she was carried into the ambulance and she told me my mum was screaming from the pain. So horrifying :-(. It's so unfair, my mum has gone through so much the past few years, she was slowly recovering from everything and now this... :-(
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Re: Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID R

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:40 pm

Congrats on your dolieh's Evelien! They look gorgeous!

And I'm really, really sorry about your mom...
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Re: Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID R

Postby JisatsuKusuri » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:09 am

Wow you're so lucky. I love Unoas but I don't know if I'll ever try to get a face plate and make a hybrid. The iplehouse dude looks nice too haha (but he's not really the kinda boy doll I'd get for myself haha)
I have way too many other dolls on my wishlist. Too bad you never got your other dolls.

Oh and sorry to hear about your mom.

Re: Box opening for 2: Unoa Lusis (hybrid) & Iplehouse JID R

Postby Evelien » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:29 am

Thanks. I'm still hoping to get my other dolls at some point, it's just taking more time than expected, but seeing as I hardly can find the time to do the faceups on my dolls right now, that's not a bad thing. ;)
When I started in the hobby - basically I'm still a newb, but anyway - I never thought I'd dare to attempt creating a hybrid... and here I am :P

My mom is doing really well, fortunately. She'll be fine. Getting her to the hospital was the most painful and horrible part, I now know that because she's recovering already. Thank you :)
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