by K2! » Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:04 pm
The wrist parts on the Obitsu 50cm bodies...
This includes all Parabox 40cm through 47cm bodies since they use a lot of the same skeleton parts as the 50cm. It is strange that when you think of wrist movement, the primary direction wrists move is with the hand (palms) moving up and down. For some reason Obitsu designed the wrist and hand parts to fit together with the wrists moving side to side, rather than up and down. Anyway the remedy to this little anomaly is to rotate the hand on the wrist part. This is best done by heating the hand vinyl with a hair dryer. Heating will soften the vinyl, which can be pretty stiff at room temperature. After the hand part is well heated (maybe a minute or so), bent the wrist all the way to one side. With the wrist bent, carefully rotate the hand vinyl on the wrist part 90 degrees. It the hand does not rotate easily, more heating may be necessary. With the hand rotated, it will now move up and down as the wrist joint is bent. I have done this to most of my (20+) Obitsu 40cms through 50cms. Rotating the hand in this manner will distort (enlarge) the back of the hand vinyl a bit due to the oblong shape of the wrist part the hand vinyl fits over. But this is the price to pay for the easy fix. You could remove the hand, file down the wrist part to a round shape, and refit the hand vinyl. You may find the hand vinyl is now loose and the hand will slip off easily. Filling the hand with eye putty or some similar material will hold the hand on.