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Help finding an Obitsu Luna head with closed eyes?

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Help finding an Obitsu Luna head with closed eyes?

Postby Lunis » Wed May 16, 2018 11:34 pm

Hi guys! So I've been planning for a while now to get a few Luna heads with closed eyes to make expression heads for my boy. Well, I just went to Parabox to buy a couple and the page no longer exists. After asking about them, I was told that Parabox is no longer selling the Luna head with closed eyes. Such a sad day... So does anyone know any other store that might still have some in stock? I can't seem to find a store that sells any of the 1/3 heads. I'd totally be up for buying one second hand even, I just have no idea where to look or ask. Help?
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