IMG_20190401_131504443 by BJD Fanatic, on Flickr
I picked up this new Mirodoll on sale a while back. I hate to say it but he's really disappointing. The joints don't hold any sort of pose at all. Can't stand. Arms won't stay anywhere. The most frustrating part is that I can't pose the head. It can't even look up or down. My hope is that he's just strung up too tight though he doesn't really seem too tight when you pull on the legs. There's plenty of give. Hopefully a re-stringing and hot-glue suede will help fix the issues. If not I'm getting the dremel out! Even though I'm disappointed in the doll's basic performance I'm still very happy to have a new one. With a little work I'm sure he's going to be a lovable little scamp.
I got the basics on the face-up completed yesterday but haven't made his little orc teeth yet. My Apoxie had hardened up! ha