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Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

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Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby poupeedesucre » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:35 pm

I searched but came up with nothing :(

So does anyone here own a Leekeworld Mikhaila? Do not own but appreciate the aesthetic of this doll?

I am currently waiting for my own Mikhaila to arrive hopefully in the next couple of days.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby thisstrangeforest » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:21 pm

Personally I am a fan of the sculpt but due to the controversy between dust of dolls and Leekeworld over her few people are I think. Congrats on getting her! there was one up for action when I nabbed my shin but I couldn't talk the owner into parting with her and just the shin head so I had to settle for my dream doll. ^_^

She really is lovely. And face is so pouty and quite unique. I do understand DOD's anger. Personally I believe that they were the originators of the body sculpt. There is far too much evidence to support that. Leeke should have just admitted it. The face wasn't the same and it wasn't a recasting I'm sure as long as they admitted they used their doll as inspiration everything would have been fine. I just adore the Puns sculpt. Even so If given the choice I would still buy a Mikhaila. She has a prettier face and the price was much more doable. if DOD would only team up with a production company... *sigh* but they won't because they already bought their own equipment :(

Please post pictures! I can't wait to see her.And hold on to that girl~ I doubt they will release more of that body type because of the issues which is a shame. She really is so wonderful.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby kittyasauras » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:01 pm

I'm not going to get into the controversy, but DoD did NOT design that body type, it's been around for ages and ages. Plenty of doll artist use it, it is just the first time (?) that a main stream company has used it. Yes, they probably got the idea from DoD. But saying that it is DoD's idea/invention? No. If you look on the joint there are tons of artist dolls on there that use strange jointing systems.

Anyway, yes I am a fan of Mikailia. I wanted one, but at the time I didn't have enough money to purchase her. I was sad because she was limited. :( I was very interested in her... I love her a lot. :)
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby poupeedesucre » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:10 pm

Thank you Thisstrangeforest and Kittyasaura for your responses! And I hope to be posting pictures soon.

Yes, there is much controversy with this doll, with both sides giving valid arguments. For me, I see Mikhaila as being inspired by DoD's Püns and I believe that had Leekeworld admitted that their were inspired by DoD's Püns from the beginning this would have not caused such polarizing effect. I do not believe its a clear copy, and it is definitely not a recast: Püns being a Yo-SD, and Mikhaila being a MSD. I also agree with Kittyasaura the pear shape in art has been around since prehistoric times (the Venus Willendorf, other famous Venus paintings et al) it is not DoD's invention they have also been inspired and so on and so on.

I understand DoD's position and respect everyone's opinion and their right to decide. For me I like Mikhaila. She grew on me before I had any knowledge of the back story. I think Püns is a nice doll, but even if I had the money, Püns is not a doll I would have added to my collection. This does not mean I do not like DoD's work, I would buy from them if I found a doll I liked, but Pün just isn't my cup of tea. Different strokes for different folks they say.

But I am not here to change anyone's opinion or start a flame war. I just wanted to share with others that do appreciate the doll.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby Lexagon » Thu Jul 14, 2011 1:48 pm

I think she has a very cute face, I wasn't even aware that this had been going on to be honest.

Her face is very pretty but something about her body doesn't sit right with me, clothed she looks gorgeous but not clothed not so much, I think its her legs.

I can appreciate her though, she's got a cute face.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby cirquemom » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:43 pm

Can anyone post a link to pictures of this doll? I don't know her. Thanks!
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby quidam » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:45 am

cirquemom: Here's a link to her original release photos. Her big stand out (and controversial) feature is her pear shaped body.

I have to admit that I didn't like her when I first saw her, but she kind of grew on me. For awhile I really wanted one and was eagerly awaiting the Fly release to get my chance. Then I saw too many DoA owner pics where they made her up to look ultra womanly instead of the sweet innocent look that Leeke originally had. It kind of turned me off. I liked her better when she was more child-like in my mind instead of some curvy vixen.

Controversy-wise: Is it heavily inspired by Puns? Yep. Is it a recast or copy? Nope. The art world is all about inspiration, and Leeke was inspired to take the use the concept. Pear shaped women have existed since the human race started. Figures made to look like the said pear shaped women are also nothing new.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby thisstrangeforest » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:36 am

I just saw that Clarice and Florence also have that uber cute body! Kinda excited now~ I thought for sure the whole fiasco would kill my chances of ever getting a doll with that cute shape. I kind have fallen for Florence hard. <3
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby 1/6andtinylover » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:53 am

*cough* and there are the shouts of copy with Florence as well. But on a smaller scale probably. If Leeke is going to continue with the body type, they might as well just admit that they were heavily inspired by Püns.

Back with Mikhaila, I like her but geting her in secondary market is just O_o I really liked how sweet she looked in those promo pics with the dress. But finding her other clothes aside from what she comes with...sounds like a challenge.

BTW, while reading about the the controversy, I came across one that said something about Mikhaila's face also being a copy and the wings and the sword thing on Fly Mikhaila a ripoff from Japanese figures as well. Personally I think that's exaggerating since droopy eyes and sad looking face has been around for a while in the BJD world but I know others might not think so. As for the wing and sword.....I can't decide whether that is a ripoff or not.
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Re: Any Leekeworld Mikhaila lovers?

Postby kurosu.chan » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:46 pm

Aww! She's really cute! <3 She has really pretty joints...
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