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The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:44 pm
by zirconmermaid
Kiki-chan78 and I tried the following six heads on the Hujoo Dana who is visiting my house. All we did was convert the ring that she comes with to hold her head on into an "S" hook. No additional modifications were needed to adapt the body to the heads except in the case of one head. Not all these brands of dolls are sold by the Junkyspot, however I am showing them all here with permission so you can see the possibilities of this lovely girl!

Hujoo Dana - doesn't she look worried? She's about to loose her head!

Bobobie Normal Skin Sprite
This head worked really well, and the color match wasn't bad either! A Mei or other heads would have worked as well too!

Dollzone Normal Skin Shoyo
Most Normal Skin dolls will probably work well, minor differences can be dealt with by blushing the head or the body. The fit on the neck is good.

Parabox Alice (vinyl) Pale Skin
The Alice head is a little large, but still cute. She sits a little lower on the neck than all the others. If this was going to be permanent you would want to add a neck washer or donut to hold the "S" hook into position.

Angel of Dream White Skin Yo (boy head)
The color doesn't match, but in terms of size and fit on the neck the head it's fine.

Iplehouse Normal Skin JID Vito (boy head)
The color match on this was also good. This head worked surprisingly well! The head opening is a little larger in back, however this is not noticeable with a wig on.

Fairyland Normal Skin Minifee ShuShu
This was the only head that would require any modification to adapt to the Hujoo body. That is because of the type of head connector that Fairyland uses.

If I can get hold of any other 1/4 (MSD) heads I will try them too! Feel free to ask questions!

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:14 am
by Stormlight
Oh, I like the Sprite head! I always liked that sculpt, but not the BBB body so much. Too blocky for my tastes.

I suppose an Obitsu Haruka head would be way too big, eh?

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:49 am
by AlmySidaKay
Hmmm I wonder if I could finally get that Minifee Chloe I've been oggling then and just put her on the Dana body.... /plots

Thanks for the amazing photos Zirconmermaid! <3

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:47 pm
by zirconmermaid
AlmySidaKay wrote:Hmmm I wonder if I could finally get that Minifee Chloe I've been oggling then and just put her on the Dana body.... /plots

Thanks for the amazing photos Zirconmermaid! <3

Would it help if I say that sitting on my desk right now is an adapter set for Minifee heads? It's a two part donut system. On to fill in underneath and one on the inside to hold the "S" hook. I hope to cast it up in resin and sell them soon! I know there are Minifee heads out there who really need bodies! And the Hujoo Dana has a nice body and is very posable.

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:44 pm
by OkamiKodomo
This is fabulously helpful! Is it possible to get a shot of the Alice head on the Dana body again, head to toe? I love the look, but I'm really big on the head-to-height ratios.

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:02 am
by Greyhaunt
Have you tried an obitsu Megu head on it? Or a default 50cm head? those would be interesting to see.

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:15 am
by AlmySidaKay
Greyhaunt wrote:Have you tried an obitsu Megu head on it? Or a default 50cm head? those would be interesting to see.

I would think it would look rather similar to Alice?

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:37 am
by Lily
Thank you for posting this, it was just what I was looking for - I am very attracted by the Hujoo body (and, let's face it, the price) but the head, while pretty, isn't really my style.

How bobble-headed does the Alice look? I'd be really tempted to put a default 50cm obitsu head on it, if the match is good.

Re: The many heads of Hujoo Dana - 6 other doll heads!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:47 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
You have a very cute Alice.