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Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:20 pm
by paladinari
So on Saturday, I finally got to meet my long awaited boy doll, Gilan, who was gifted to me by my boyfriend and my very good friend as a birthday present.

He's a Resinsoul Song boy in Light Tan, and there are some big differences between him and my Resinsoul Mei. He has S-hooks which connect his wrists and ankles (unlike my Mei, who is older and whose wrists and ankles are connected to her body just via elastic). And unlike the typical Bobobie/Resinsoul line, he came TIGHTLY strung. Compared to him, my Mei now feels like a rag doll, unfortunately. My only "complaint" with him is that his legs don't seem to want to keep closed, and they do this awkward splaying motion when you least expect it. Also, his face up eyebrows are uneven. But other than that, he's a beautiful doll. And I think that Little Ari is finally warming up to him (even though he apparently only speaks Elvish. He is VERY quiet)

After realizing the kimono that I created for him (before getting him) was too short, I was happy that I had bought a Dollzone urban boy outfit for him beforehand (there will be no nekkid dollies in this house!) I think between that outfit and the long, blood red wig I got for him, he's too bishi for his own good ;)



The photostory/box opening was too long to post, so I put it up on photobucket if anyone would like to take a peek. The story should be pretty self-evident.

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:08 am
by Gift_in_Edge
I love that tan! Congrats!

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:06 am
by paladinari
Gift_in_Edge wrote:I love that tan! Congrats!

Thank you! *bounces excitedly*

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:03 pm
by OkamiKodomo
All he needs are some bishi sparkles in the background!

Also, is he a single joint body? My boy Rune has the single joint, and when he sits on a ledge, he does this adorable little knock-kneed thing... I swear it tempts me to put him in a dress.

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:35 pm
by paladinari
OkamiKodomo wrote:All he needs are some bishi sparkles in the background!

Also, is he a single joint body? My boy Rune has the single joint, and when he sits on a ledge, he does this adorable little knock-kneed thing... I swear it tempts me to put him in a dress.

Yes, he's single joint. It sounds like his legs do the same thing, too. If you look at the stock photos for Song, he's always in this really awkward pose. I wonder if it's some sort of design flaw of the knee joint?

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:36 pm
by Dollies and Dragons
Doesn't he just look right at home. Hopefully him and Ari will get along :D

I liked this picture the best.


Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:13 am
by cirquemom
My An and Mai do the same thing. It helps when they get a bit looser (did you try loosening his elastics by retying them a bit looser?). I just sit them with their ankles crossed and that takes care of it.

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:19 am
by Greyhaunt
I had a Mai for a short time, and from what I can tell the problem is actually in the way the thigh connects to the hip, somehow that makes the thigh twist inwards just a bit, and that causes the knees to knock.

While I have many dolls that sit oddly and have some wierd jointing, the knock knees just annoyed me beyond belief and I sold my Mai to Cirque - who is more tollerant than I LOL. Maybe I'll get over it one day....I hope because I really do love BBB boys.

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:21 am
by cirquemom
Greyhaunt wrote: I sold my Mai to Cirque - who is more tollerant than I LOL.

Nope. I'm just nicer. Because I'm a princess.

Re: Gilan is Home

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:33 am
by paladinari
Cirque: Actually, I didn't want to play with his elastic since having a properly strung doll is such a wonderful novelty for me, lol. I tried to actually pull the elastic tighter on my Mei last night (like I said, now she feels like a rag doll) and I think it might be broken and doesn't want to give any more slack >.<* But I'm getting such a kick out of being able to pose Gilan's legs and feet and hands, etc.

Grey: Heh, I thought it might have something to do with the hips. I mortified my boyfriend during the opening. I took Gilan out and he started doing that kick thing. We don't have "boy" dolls, so I concluded that his boy bits might be getting... uh... in the way, and starting musing that I should just sand them off so he could sit proper. We kind of just left it at that, lol (Strangely, my Mei doesn't have any leg twisting problems, perhaps because she's so loosely strung? Maybe I AM right about the problem with my boy doll! :D )