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Clothes for a Doll Chateau Bella body?

MSD, Tonners, or 40cm + (18" range)

Clothes for a Doll Chateau Bella body?

Postby sailor_ashes » Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:43 pm

Hello everyone! :)

I just pre-ordered a Doll Chateau Bella, and since I have such a long wait time for her, I figured I could buy or make her some new clothes when she gets home so she wont be naked, haha! But I am having a very hard time finding clothes that I think will fit her! D: Her chest is so small and her hips are so wide, and I have never made clothes for a doll before so I am not sure what to do! Does anyone have any recommendations on where to buy clothes, or how to make them for her gorgeous oddly proportioned body? Thank you! :D

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