I love Delilah Noir's face, and I liked her pre-2010 body, but I really, really don't like the new one.
I'm wondering if I can put her head on a bjd body. Denver Doll Emporium sells Resin Soul bodies alone, and they also sell Impledoll bodies. Does anyone know if Delilah will match Impledoll's real skintone, or Resin Soul's coffee/light tan?
Delilah's normal skin is like Kish's 14" dolls. I have one of those, but have no idea what Resin Soul light tan or Impledoll real is like.
Can anyone help?
Otherwise, I guess I'll just have to try to find a pre-2010 Delilah on the secondary market. I actually got one that was described as perfect, but had a broken knee joint. The seller took her back, but now I have to start over.