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Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:56 am
by Evelien
Yay, my Cara just arrived!! (Sadly, Rosie's eyes didn't, so she won't be able to see the fireworks tomorrow :()

The package:

The box:

Ellie and Rosie are watching ;) (well, Ellie is telling Rosie what she's seeing)

A note!

Official paperwork :D

Oooh, what's that underneath? ^^

The mummy!

Slowly unwrapping the mummified doll...

She's got the same undies as Ellie, but Ellie has them in black and white and the new girl has them in pink and white!

Such a sweet face... but omg she's so yellow! Haha! You can even see how yellow she is compared to my hand...

And omg she has a tiny head compared to Ellie!! haha!

Ellie was a second hand doll as well, but look how insanely white she still is:

YAY, I FINALLY found a use for that lovely 6/7 Monique wig I still had lying around!! It fit none of my other dolls and it looks lovely on my Cara.

Now she just needs a good bath, a faceup, some new eyes and clothes. She already has a name but I don't want to reveil it until she has her new look, you never know, her eyes will tell me her name...

It's funny, a girl I know warned me about Ellie's big head, and just yesterday I received a picture from Mint on Card's Dawn (she's so sweet!!!) that I requested: a picture of Angell-Studio Leira (Ellie), Asleep Eidolon Blueberry (which should be with me soon) and Angel Fantasy Alice (which I might get as well soon lol). They look fine together! I never thought the Lati Blue would be a problem lol! I'll have to think of a way to fit her into my family. I almost wish she was a bit shorter, so she could be a little sister to Ellie and the others. Hmmm. We'll see. Oh I just LOVE that wig on her, she's gonna be soooo pretty <3

-edit- Crap, crap, crap, the head size difference is bugging me so much :(. I don't know what to do :(.

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:51 am
by richila
Your Cara is lovely-but the Lati's have very small heads. A friend of mine has a Lati Red Aida-quite possibly one of the most beautiful sculpts i have ever seen-but although he is an SD his MSD girlfriend's head is about the same size. Maybe she could be another species who ended up in your home for some reason? My dolls are a mix of aliens, fey , lupines, nekomimi and anime characters. :D

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:58 am
by quidam
Wow, she is beautiful!
I wouldn't worry too much about the head size. Even with real people there are differences in head size. In the photo she appears to just be more slightly built over all. She comes across as petite.

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:04 am
by Evelien
Yeah, she's very petite, I thought Ellie was slim but Cara is even more slim. For a few hours I've left her on the couch without looking at her at all, feeling physically sick from the disappointment, I know it sounds really silly but I couldn't get over the size difference. But when she's not next to Ellie she's such a lovely doll!! She deserves my attention. So about half an hour ago I got over myself and gave her a good bath. I'll do her faceup and make her some clothes tomorrow. I'll figure something out. She's too lovely to just give up on like that.

By the way, I WAS gonna turn her into a different species, but the eyes and wig meant for that purpose didn't suit her at all, so I'm gonna have to think of something else haha!

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:17 am
by AlmySidaKay
I think she looks lovely you should post a side by side with wig shot, I think the head difference might look a bit better with her wig on? (Even my BBB/RS dolls have different head sizes, but you just kinda get used to it after a while.) :P

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:26 am
by zirconmermaid
She really is a beautiful doll! And I do think the two of them look charming together. Their head to shoulder proportions look similar, the Cara is just very slender. I think that once you do her faceup she will be fine - I think the addition of eyelashes will do it. My husband is a little taller and a LOT more slender, with a much smaller head than mine.

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:34 am
by Evelien
Hmm I don't know, in real life it really bugs me. Perhaps you're right and I might get over it once she has a faceup. The bigness of Ellie's wig doesn't help, lol!

What's silly, is that photos obviously say nothing to very little at best.

Here's the picture Dawn from MoC sent me by request:


No shocking size differences there... and on Flickr I found a Lati Blue/AE Blueberry comparison:

AE Lati Comparisons 004 by susan402, on Flickr

These pictures don't indicate that Cara's head would be this much smaller than Ellie's/Leira's...

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:48 am
by Evelien
By the way, she poses very nicely and STANDS LIKE A ROCK, even without a hot glue treatment. She's much more stable than Ellie!

I'm about to do her faceup in about 20 minutes by the way, I've gotten all enthusiastic ;)

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:27 am
by Gift_in_Edge
She looks lovely! Congrats! I hope you grow to love her. :3

Re: Box opening: second hand Lati Blue Cara

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:45 am
by landwhale
Aw, I'm glad you're exicted about her now. I like that my dolls are difference sizes. Most companies have heads of each size group all the same size but sometimes you will find companies who make their heads from scratch everytime so that the head size is a little all over the place.

For example Leeke Lsize dolls have dolls with heads 8-9 inches and also dolls with heads 9-10 inches. Ppl can be like that in real life too so for me I don't really mind as long as it's not a huuuuge difference.