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DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:48 pm
by OkamiKodomo
My ResinSoul Jun finally got his upgrade to a double-jointed body. And because his character is a cuddly, gentle sort, I went with a Dollzone body instead of the more muscular ResinSoul one. During the Leftovers Junky Spot sale, Emory had a white skin DZ body on sale, so I caved and snapped it up. It arrived today! His old body went to a good cause, chiennejin's Alex, which is a ResinSoul Li. Head and body went into a dye bath a day after my order was placed, so poor Rune has been a floating head for a week!

BOX! I was pestering chiennejin and KuroKitty for days going "boxboxboxboxbox" while waiting. Apparently my dog thinks I'm crazy. Or maybe he's just grumpy that I didn't let him chase the UPS man.

Vorelvaeri, my girl ResinSoul Wu, wants to see what all the fuss is about too.
Vorel: "My body came in a box like this too!!"

I haaaaaaaaate packing peanuts. They get everywhere. >.< It took me fifteen minutes to confine them to the bag.

Telltale white box! I love their logo. >3<

Must have been older stock. The top of the box was dusty and had some smudges on it.

Junkyspot goodies!! And holy cow that chunk of eye-putty is huge! It's the size of a block of Sculpy clay. o.o And the two sets of lashes I ordered. Now all my dolls have lashes. The gold ones are for Vorel, the black ones are for Rune.

The bubble-wrap mummy. My heart always starts pounding right here, because I worry that a finger will be broken.

But all is well!

Hehehehe.... I'm sorry, this picture amused me. You know they say God gave man two heads and only blood enough to run one at a time. Personally, I'm convinced that both of them are connected by one long cord, which is why men get full on stupid when you kick em in the nuts. But the resin match isn't too bad. I won't even have to redo Rune's face-up. The headcap of course is less yellowed, but it's also stained somewhat grey-ish because of his wig. But I don't feel like peeling off the velcro to scrub it down.

It photographs much better without flash, and the difference is barely noticeable in person. Honestly, it matches better than his original un-blushed body did.

And put together! Still have to put his lashes in and put his clothes on, but this is actually a pretty close true-to-life picture, though I had a cooling filter turned on, to cancel out the orange afternoon light.

And without the filter.

A few more pics, first with flash, second without flash. I really can't believe how well they match. I was told that I was taking a risk with trying to match ResinSoul white to Dollzone white, but I guess Rune was a bit more yellowed than I thought he was.

And here is Rune all dressed, with his lashes in, and sitting with Alex, who now has his old body. You would never know Alex used to be a white doll. His dye came out so even!

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:14 pm
by Gift_in_Edge
What a great match! Yay for not having to redo his face-up!

(Doggy! :3)

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:32 pm
by famedglory
Cutest pet photobomb ever. And congrats! He looks great. And I would never have guessed Alex was was dyed.

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:57 pm
by AlmySidaKay
Rune looks great on the new body, also... thought it was a dog statue until I went back and realized he wasn't in all the photos... >.>

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:28 pm
by OkamiKodomo
lol! No, Kiba is not a taxidermy project! But he does have very hilarious expressions.

Rune is thrilled with his upgrade and so am I!

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:18 pm
by arrowchild
he looks GREAT! And I love the colors you've used on his face up too BTW :D

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:49 pm
by OkamiKodomo
Thank you! <333

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:29 am
by zirconmermaid
Dollzone bodies are great, and Rune looks very happy! So does Alex! What color dye did you use?

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:40 pm
by Greyhaunt
I love dollzone bodies - but then I have like four or five (or six) DZ dolls so I'm biased LOL.

And I am joining the "I thought it might have been a dog statue" group hahahahaha - i think the perspective just makes him seem small in the background and it's such aclassic dog statue pose :)

Re: DZ 1/4 Body Box Opening xposted

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:35 pm
by famedglory
Greyhaunt wrote:And I am joining the "I thought it might have been a dog statue" group hahahahaha - i think the perspective just makes him seem small in the background and it's such aclassic dog statue pose :)

If it wasn't for the half winking expression I totally would have though he was fake. He's just too cute!