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Mirodoll/Obitsu hybrid question

SD, Obitsu, freaky goaty footed SOOM, Hounds, all the big kids in the 50 to 72cm range

Re: Mirodoll/Obitsu hybrid question

Postby twinage » Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:47 am

zirconmermaid wrote:Obitsu Designer head and Gretel head (modified)
As you can see, they are the same size. The eyes on the Designer head sit lower, but that is the style.
This is on an SD SweetDolls Alice body. She is pretty busty, and probably same as Mirodoll.
And with hair - very anime! I think your doll will look fine!

Thank you for making your time in taking a reference photo.
I feel that your Gretel head is more thinner and taller but maybe that because you have modified it.

Yes, your doll even still look anime-ish even after using human-like eyeball. Mine going to have anime eye so I'm sure it will more anime-ish.
Hope my doll head can be as gorgeous as yours, going to do my first time face-up, nervous if I mess it up :lol:
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