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Cal's head arrives - DZ Mo-B

SD, Obitsu, freaky goaty footed SOOM, Hounds, all the big kids in the 50 to 72cm range

Cal's head arrives - DZ Mo-B

Postby Tira-chan » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:21 pm

So Cal's head arrived! I'm so excited. The Mo-b was kind of my theoretical dream doll even before they came out with him, and now that he's here, he's just so perfect. Thanks a bunch to Branchuchan on DoA, who I bought him from. I crossposted it over there, since I did get him on the Marketplace.

Here's my current girl, Dess, sitting on his box. I was surprised how big it was - Cal was very well protected by a lot of peanuts.

I didn't get any pictures of opening him - I was too excited - so we'll just cut to him sitting on Dess's lap. I was a bit surprised how different resin and vinyl feels. Cal is much heavier, more solid, and ironically enough, quite a bit more plasticky. Unfortunately for Cal, his body will be a fair while coming; it's going to be a BBB Apollo, so I got it through the Jspot preorder. All he can do for now is sit around looking pretty, but he's very good at it. I love how much expression these dolls have even when they're blank.

Here's a profile shot of him. That's something I always look for and often have a bit of trouble finding. Plus, I love his profile.

A much later picture, after I managed to get a wig on him, despite the strenuous protests of both parties. I don't know whether resin is just more slippery, or if Cal's head is more of a 9 than an 8, but I really had to fight to get it on. Thank goodness for velcro! Cal's little glare is so cute! I can tell he's going to be a bit of a handful.
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my dollieh is a goooood dollieh
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