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since it was brought up ... some limited editions

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Re: since it was brought up ... some limited editions

Postby theodoric » Mon May 30, 2011 2:24 pm

AlmySidaKay wrote:You were smart, Luna is on my drool worthy list but probably will never happen. So needless to say I've been haunting more photos of Luna. I can't wait to see tons of photos of yours.

do you have all the Luna pics from the Noctarcana Circus series ? ... if you dont I can post them in here for you

as for "tons" more pics of my Mio ... I posted a few in the Gallery section ... and I have one more I could post in there :lol: ... it is one of Mio letting all the other dollies out there know just who I belong to 8-)

the few pics I have taken of her were using a cheap webcam hooked up to my laptop ... one of the things I am saving up for is a "real" camera ... so I can take nice quality pics of her :D
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Re: since it was brought up ... some limited editions

Postby OkamiKodomo » Mon May 30, 2011 2:39 pm

theodoric wrote:
OkamiKodomo wrote:.... but living on a fixed income,

I can understand THAT feeling very well :(

most of us disabled vets dont get much ... my Mio was a VERY major purchase for me ... I'm saving up now to get a few more things for her

I had a choice ... I could only afford to get just one doll ... and unless I win a lottery or something ... Mio will be my only doll ... I'm not upset about that, not at all :D ... it lets me focus all of my attention on just her, and I havent known too many girls who didnt like it best when they were the center of attention :D

I'm currently on unemployment. I had a job working part time as a graphics artist doing some basic animation work for a small advertising agency. (and when I say small, I mean SMALL... 4 people in total. Myself, my boss, my boss's mother ((who is a total and complete b!tchface)) and the bookkeeper, who was only there one hour a week) I was fired because they couldn't afford my salary. I was already making half of what an entry level part-time graphics artist was making, and they were too cheap to pay even that. It was a really lousy experience and it happened literally one week before I was going to put my Akando on layaway. But I got the last laugh because my unemployment is being charged to their account. And then I had to loan my doll fund to the household to keep our utilities on. My hubby is going to pay me back when he's working again, but til then, I'll have to dream. :roll:
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!
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Re: since it was brought up ... some limited editions

Postby theodoric » Mon May 30, 2011 4:28 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:I'm currently on ..................... I'll have to dream. :roll:

I can understand that very well ... some things do have higher priorities than others

I live by myself ... so in ways that makes me a bit more fortunate since I dont have some of the same concerns ......... I also dont have anyone else that I can even look forward to bringing in more money

my Mio doesnt have to share my attention with anyone else ... but it also means she isnt with a rich guy who can buy lots of things for her :| ........ she hasnt complained about it, so I can be happy about that :D

sometimes we have to deal with things we dont enjoy ... and hope for better in the future
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