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XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby Vetinari » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:10 am

Wow! You made that?? Wow... She looks great! (Is it bad that I'm jealous of her outfit?)
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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby Greyhaunt » Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:39 am

Vetinari wrote:Wow! You made that?? Wow... She looks great! (Is it bad that I'm jealous of her outfit?)

LOL - yea, I know that feeling. I dress vicariously through my dolls!

Yep, I made it. The skirt is based on a one piece skirt pattern I found free on the internet (I added all the straps and the side lacing myself) and the vest is sized down from a Simplicity belly dancer pattern! If I ever get off my lazy butt and finish her arm guards it will be complete.
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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby cirquemom » Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:16 am

Greyhaunt wrote:hahahaha, K2 beat me to it. Yea, I meant wench more in the way of this urban dictionary definition: A voluptuous female pirate type woman, usually with a fiery attitude, and usually seen around taverns and bars, seaside fishing towns, and wherever pirates roam. Just add something about a wanton nature, and perhaps a bit less pirating, and you have XII.

The baby-blue hair throws me a bit though- she needs something a little more fierce! Like...black with red streaks or something!
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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby Greyhaunt » Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:07 pm

cirquemom wrote:The baby-blue hair throws me a bit though- she needs something a little more fierce! Like...black with red streaks or something!

It's supposed to be white hair, but the closest I could find in the wig I liked was "ice", so it has that hint of blue to it >< Annoying, but until I find a white wig I'm screwed. It fits her personality though - trust me :)
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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby Dirili » Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:36 pm

gorgeous! I wish the VMFs weren't so expensive... I like them, but not enough to put out what they cost. Probably a good thing since I have too many dolls anyway hehe.

Kudos on that outfit! I just finished an outfit that took me nearly an entire week to finish, largely due to the vinyl corset -_- So I can identify with your sewing experience! My fingers are soooo sore right now.
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Re: XII - VMF 50cm elf.....wench?

Postby Kirahfaye » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:55 am

My first real experience at machine sewing was in Home Ec. in the 7th grade where I aspired to sew a (thick) vinyl purse. I really wish my teacher had tried to dissuade me more ... LOL! That's probably the reason I've never gotten into sewing.
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