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Dark Jessica (Ringdoll)

SD, Obitsu, freaky goaty footed SOOM, Hounds, all the big kids in the 50 to 72cm range

Re: Dark Jessica (Ringdoll)

Postby Itsaiya » Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:12 am

I think she would look like a cute doll...... without all the gore o_O (but I"m not much of a gore-aholic). If I could just see her face as a blank....

I remember DOA having fits over a few dolls in the Halloween-special horror genre, but I honestly don't remember them or what they were like
Akihito [DZ Yuu], Red [ED Red], Sweetpea [DF Popo], Apollo [BBB Apollo], Reli [B&G Sharon], (phoenix) Efriete [B&G Afra], (human) Efriete [Migidoll Miho], Seth [Migidoll Ryu], Horus [Obitsu 50cm].

Do want: DR Xiao chi [as Xieu]; DOD Luke v2 [as Daven]; DIM Rain [as Rain]
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Dolly Pardon
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