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Hot Coffee from Ecuador!

SD, Obitsu, freaky goaty footed SOOM, Hounds, all the big kids in the 50 to 72cm range

Re: Hot Coffee from Ecuador!

Postby TheShadow » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:39 am

Iwa_Hoshi wrote:Sure adds an extra zing to the usual cuppa. :lol:

Nice setup

Thanks, Iwa_Hoshi! Yeah, that coffee is extra special! :D

Dark Angel wrote:Yes please!!! He is yummy!

Thanks, Dark Angel! The coffee's not too bad either! LOL!

maywong wrote:Coffee? What coffee? (too busy drooling over hunky guy)


richila wrote:Damn, if he was serving the coffee I wouldn't need my extra shot of espresso.

But you might want a napkin for the drool! :lol:

zirconmermaid wrote:Hot Coffee with a side of Gorgeous? Oh yeah!! :D

Whatever you need! LOL!

kiki-chan78 wrote:Really lovely! I'm definitely hearting the coffee cup AND the kokopeli jug. I think your guy could also use a guayavera. That type of shirt is so convenient! I also really like that you've got the multiple name thing going on... though, if it's the same type of naming convention that I grew up with, there's no reason for the III to be there (unless his parents named his two older brothers Rafael as well?). o.O;;;

That kind of naming convention with the multiple last names, takes into consideration the mother's maiden name. It breaks down to: First name (Rafael), Second Name (Marcellus), Paternal last name (Santiago), Maternal last name (Reynaldo). His MOTHER'S name would be: First name, Second name, Paternal last name (Reynaldo), HUSBAND'S Paternal last name (Santiago); she would have lost her maternal last name, and taken her husband's paternal name in it's place, but kept HER paternal last name. (I have seen SOME occasions where instead of losing the maternal last name, the woman tacks her husband's name onto the end of hers, giving her five names instead of four.) The FATHER'S name would be: First name (Rafael?), Second name (Marcellus?), Paternal last name (Santiago), Maternal last name (??). Complicated and convoluted much? Yup! The other fun thing this does, is REALLY screw with american computer systems because they aren't set up to deal with multiple last names.... Guessing WHAT name you've been filed under is always interesting. How do I know? Experience. XD

Now, if you don't mind... I'll nitpick at the spanish a little. >.>;;;

The accent on coffee in the sign feels/looks like an apostrophe? "Café del Santos", technically does translate into Coffee from/of Saints', except, it's treating 'Saints' as a location. Try "Café de los Santos" which translates to Coffee from the Saints; this can imply either that it's coffee so good that saints made it, or that it's FOR saints. Maybe even, "Café de Santos"? This can mean it's made WITH saints (the saint is part of the coffee ground) or that only saints can drink it.



One word for the translation......*Babelfish* I ran it through a couple times and it always came up "Coffee of the Saints". And his long name was input from my hubby. It sounds good, so we're just gonna run with it. It's just fun to play. :D I did a google image search on the guayavera shirt (also came up as guayabera, too) and they were beautiful shirts. I'll be making him a couple soon (easy to do in SD scale with my embroidery machine). Thanks for the inspiration!

britbrat18 wrote:I don't even drink coffee, and I'd stop for a visit!! He is handsome!! :D

I wonder how many ladies who don't drink coffee will decide that now it the time to start! :lol:

landwhale wrote:Wow! THat faceup is amazing. I don't have the guts to try any facial hair yet. I have a hard time with eyebrows still. I love your photos. The set up is so perfect.

EDIT: I just looked up the faceup artist....she's so good. I wish she were still working but I guess she is doing more photography now. I don't have any male dolls yet so I will have to wait to try out facial hair. She paints male dolls so well. Congrats on getting her out of retirement for a moment to do your doll.

Thanks, landwhale. We lucked out.....she just so happens to be a good friend and lives in the same city as we do. I am sooooo happy that she did him! I always call her the Queen of facial hair! People who don't know her might misinterpret that! LOL!

Mary Kathryn wrote:Oh. My.
Yes. Coffee. Please! :D

Hmmm....how hot do you want your coffee? :lol:
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Re: Hot Coffee from Ecuador!

Postby CloakedSchemer » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:42 pm

Amir suddenly has a reason to get out of the house and stop moping. He's claiming he just needs to feed his coffee addiction. >.>
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Re: Hot Coffee from Ecuador!

Postby TheShadow » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:40 pm

CloakedSchemer wrote:Amir suddenly has a reason to get out of the house and stop moping. He's claiming he just needs to feed his coffee addiction. >.>

Heheheheheheheh! Oh.....yeah? 8-)
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Re: Hot Coffee from Ecuador!

Postby JanetT » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:51 am

Beautiful! Definitely in the mood for some coffee now... (but I will have to wait until I get to work!)

That is one hunky guy!
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