Anna's very first photo, bald and naked from her box opening. She was my very first doll, a BBB Sprite, she is now a RS Mei.
And later the night with her first wig
Mamoru used to be Tooya from Ayashi no Ceres-
And Usagi used to be Aya, from Ayashi no Ceres
Kratos hasn't changed at all except for his face-up from default to custom,(and his blue eyes he came with were quickly taken out) he was planned from Day 1(though he had his default face-up for quite some time. I even got his wig before he came.
Kratos Aurion (AOD Chen), Anna Aurion (Modified RS Mei), , Lloyd Aurion(Modified Felix Brownie, and AOD Le Le) Usagi Chiba (Modified RS Ju), Mamoru Chiba (RS Mai)