Roses curtosy of my hubby-they were so pretty I had to take some pics before they wilted Solomon seemed the perfect little guy for them
Greyhaunt wrote:sigh....I think you may have just saved my Saiph's existance in my home! I was starting to think of selling him...but seeing yours reminds me of how much beautiful potential they have!
maywong wrote:What a pretty pix.
cirquemom wrote:Arrowchild, I love your Saiph and I love the pictures you take of him. He's such a great sculpt. Mine is on an Iplehouse body. I also got the default face-up, which is really, really light. I need to add to it, but haven't done it yet. I love all of Eva Wilson's dolls.
richila wrote:What color resin is your Saiph? I am buying a Lumedoll Light next week in suntan. If the body will work for my Tae, I will be buying another one for him later.
ivory stardust wrote:He's gorgeous!
Mary Kathryn wrote:Fantastic pics!
cirquemom wrote:Those lume lights are the most incredible dolls in that size that I've ever seen.
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