Dirili wrote:lol, age is all about how you feel. I'm 35, but I feel like I'm 80 most of the time! And not in a good knowledgeable way either. Just feel old, miss my childhood and have too many regrets about the men I spent my time with! lol
And you call yourself a granny?

I'm 35, too. Turning 36 in exactly one week, as a matter of fact. I've never considered myself a granny, although I guess if I'd ever had kids as a young 'un, they'd probably be old enough to have kids of their own by this point. To me, my 97-year-old grandmother a granny.
I never got married (never really wanted to), and hardly ever dated, either.
Hmmm ... maybe that's why I still feel so young. Never raised kids, and never had to raise a man, either.

Edit: And since this is a spam thread, some spam:
Puck got hold of my Kindle. He just can't seem to stay away from my paranormal romance novels. Silly Puck.