Dolls update!

Hey everyone! This is an update to my previous picture thread. 2 other dolls in here and an update on Sonny.
Old thread:
(Satsuki and Tesla won't be in this one cause they basically looks exactly the same as before)
Sonny (Livdoll):
Sonny went through a lot without me updating on here.
He had a gore mod on the left side of his face and a white eye:

Gave him his eye back, but in red:

Removing gore mod (he had it a while):

Right after with black hair:

Now with heart in eye and makeup down his face:

Now he looks like a fortune teller.
Cymbeline (Barbie):
She started as just a blonde barbie, but I like her much more now because of her new hair:

Riley (Barbie):

Thanks for reading!
Old thread:
(Satsuki and Tesla won't be in this one cause they basically looks exactly the same as before)
Sonny (Livdoll):
Sonny went through a lot without me updating on here.
He had a gore mod on the left side of his face and a white eye:

Gave him his eye back, but in red:

Removing gore mod (he had it a while):

Right after with black hair:

Now with heart in eye and makeup down his face:

Now he looks like a fortune teller.
Cymbeline (Barbie):
She started as just a blonde barbie, but I like her much more now because of her new hair:

Riley (Barbie):

Thanks for reading!