My newest tiny girl, Tagalong. She just arrived today. And lemme tell you her eyes were a bitch to get in.

The posts were too long so the the neck post kept knocking them out of alignment and making her walleyed. I must've spent an hour and a half trying to fix the problem. I was actually considering just letting her be walleyed and calling her Derpy.

Then I got the idea to dig through my beads and try a pair of those, instead. Viola! Perfect fairy eyes. And I'm glad I kept all the clothes from the Pukipuki I used to own, so she isn't nekkid, either. She stole the wig from Lree.
Anyhoo, she's now called Tagalong 'cause she tags along with the rest of the tiny brigade when they go out to cause mischief. She's definitely the smallest among them, so they sort of tolerate her. Like a lost puppy or a mascot or something.