Denia's head has a narrow stripe like this Tori, except in brown. And it's a little more over to one side. I guess she could have been a Barbie not a Tori, but at least I'm fairly sure she's from that line now. (Not that I might not be wrong, but she DID have those odd in-between feet) I can't be certain, as most of her factory makeup is now gone, but she doesn't have the little stripes in the color of the eyes. Sadly, the only 'before' image I really have is from my Work In Progress video on altering her. Here's my attempt at a few screencaps from it.
That's the best I could get at an unaltered picture. I should have kept better records. These two are after I'd removed some of the factory faceup (with the rotary tool), and had pencil marks where I wanted to work, but the first shows the stripe and the second shows her eye color where I left most of the iris and pupil to use as guidelines when I paint her face - I'm a little concerned about my ability to get pupils just right. XD
And here's how she currently looks, a square-jawed little old lady.
I still need to do a little sanding and smoothing, especially with the acrylic caulk on her jaw. I'll have to completely paint the head as the start of the faceup, so I'm not too worried about the body I get for her matching it - it's color isn't relevant. Instead, I'm trying to match the skintone the chara needs and will match the head to that when I mix the paint for it. She needs to be roughly a 'coffee with two creamers' shade. Hence why I thought Daniella or Alexis would work (depending on the tone of the Alexis). And I suspect older Alexis (the lighter version) will be the one I need. 'Toffee' color sounds about right.