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Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

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Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:59 pm

Was the Volks "Custom Hair Head C" ever made in Tan color? I'm looking for one for my doll. :?:
The link to the C heads is below:

http://www.volksusa.com/1-6-dollfie-par ... ead-c.html

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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby Iwa_Hoshi » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:14 am

They seem to do it for their A type heads only.

You could try and stain / blush the head
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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:57 am

So that's for sure then? They never had them? I was wondering so if they were ever made I might be able to buy them from a person who was lucky enough to have them. I know Volks always sells out of their stuff and removes it from their site. :cry:
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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby SetsunaKou » Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:48 am

Iwa-san's right---the "C" head or SH-10 (its model number) were only made in Normal and Light skintones.

However, a few years ago, I bought some blank SH-10 (C) heads from Volks back when they still sold their heads as 'skin heads', too. (Blank, no hair rooted yet)

They were VERY pink/darker than their normal NS and perhaps seemed a tad smaller than usual too. I don't know why they were that way, but I remember being pretty upset they were so dark and not matching well to the NS tone!

I used most of them anyone on my X-Men doll set, but I might still have one that was rooted (if you can call it that---the rooter I commissioned to root her did a sparse job of it.) in a platinum blonde saran. If you want to see it, let me know and I'll put the head next to a Volks tan body for comparison photos.
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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:10 am

Thank you SetsunaKou, I would love to see a comparison picture, next to a New-EB-C if possible. (I'm not sure if all Volks tan bodies are the same) That's a little disappointing though, that they don't match very well. I'm not sure how to blush, stain, or dye a head to match the tan body, so it might be my only option. Does anyone know a method to blush/stain/dye a "C" head to match Volks New-EB-C tan as closely as possible? Not sure if it's ever been done. :oops:
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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby SetsunaKou » Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:09 pm

Here you go! I tried to get what it actually looks like in person, but I wasn't that successful, except in a couple of grainy shots. ^^;;

The first 2 are 'natural light' and are most what the head looks like on the body.
The third picture has 'flash' and makes the head look REALLY different than the body but in person, it's not that bad of a match.

I put a normal skin head on his right and a GUY skin head on his left.




I don't need this "C" head any longer (since the rooter took so long to finish it, I ended up having to reroot a different head for the doll I was making and this now became 'extra.') so if you want it, send me a PM and I'll come up with a price. Probably around $12-15 USD or so.

Anyway, it's easy to paint match the head (I've done it dozens of times) and it's also quite easy to blush the head to make it appear darker. (Also done that many times.)
For the paint method, you'll need acrylic paint, and either water or paint thinner to make it REALLY REALLY thin (consistency of half and half). Then using a soft bristle brush, paint the head with even strokes. You may need two coats (probably) but make sure they're always very very thin so there's no 'brush' marks or globs. After it's all dry, I varnish it with a MATTE sealant---particularly Liquitex MATTE brush on.
I used to use spray sealant on the 1/6, too, but Volks heads are REALLY rubbery/vinyl (moreso than Obitsu) and they'll eventually become super sticky after a few years if you use a spray type like the Volks Zoukei Mura Powder Finishing Spray. Not sure about MSC as I've never used it on the 1/6 Volks heads after all the other major hobby types of 'spray varnish' got tacky on these heads and I was afraid to try it.... ^^;;

I also recommend painting the head 'tan' AFTER your hair/hairstyle is in because you won't really be able to hot water perm the head once you 'paint' it.
Some samples where I've done that method are here:





The Blush method is easier and just requires good pastels like Volks ZM pastels that spread evenly. This works well but is more subtle. You can blush a little or a lot depending on how close a match to your body you want. This is an example of a slight blushing:


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Re: Was Volks "C" head ever made in Tan color?

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:14 am

Thank you so much, Setsunakou~ The painting method looks very beautiful. The heads and bodies look like a perfect store-bought match. :D
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