So, I'm thinking about taking the plunge and buying my first resin and 1/4th scale doll. I've been wanting to shell Kat (my namesake) for a long time now, I just couldn't find her in 1/6th scale. A couple of weeks ago I started looking at Mirodoll's bodies, and I really like the way their 1/4th girls look, and I love that they're really short (Kat is only 4'10" to 5'1" depending). I found Trethowan's post comparing the RS heads on the Miro bodies, and I love the way they looked. I ended up at the JunkySpot and started looking through pictures of the RS 43cms. I wasn't really impressed by any of the stock photos, but then I found her! I am in love with light tan Mei. I really really like her sculpt and all the pictures of her I've found. Plus her ears are adorable! The only problem is that while I love her hands and feet (important because Kat runs around barefoot most of the time), I don't like the body she's on. So, I want a hybrid.
To the questions!
Does anyone know if the Mirodoll light tan skin tone would match the RS light tan? I know their WS/NS are a pretty close match to each other.
Are there any other companies out there who make a fairly close match to RS light tan?
How does the RS light tan yellow? I don't mind her yellowing (I realize its a natural characteristic of resin), I just want to make sure she won't turn green.
Thanks in advance!