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Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

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Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby ShadowKat » Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:00 pm

So, I'm thinking about taking the plunge and buying my first resin and 1/4th scale doll. I've been wanting to shell Kat (my namesake) for a long time now, I just couldn't find her in 1/6th scale. A couple of weeks ago I started looking at Mirodoll's bodies, and I really like the way their 1/4th girls look, and I love that they're really short (Kat is only 4'10" to 5'1" depending). I found Trethowan's post comparing the RS heads on the Miro bodies, and I love the way they looked. I ended up at the JunkySpot and started looking through pictures of the RS 43cms. I wasn't really impressed by any of the stock photos, but then I found her! I am in love with light tan Mei. I really really like her sculpt and all the pictures of her I've found. Plus her ears are adorable! The only problem is that while I love her hands and feet (important because Kat runs around barefoot most of the time), I don't like the body she's on. So, I want a hybrid.

To the questions!
Does anyone know if the Mirodoll light tan skin tone would match the RS light tan? I know their WS/NS are a pretty close match to each other.
Are there any other companies out there who make a fairly close match to RS light tan?
How does the RS light tan yellow? I don't mind her yellowing (I realize its a natural characteristic of resin), I just want to make sure she won't turn green. :D

Thanks in advance! :)
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Jany » Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:00 am

I don't know about yellowing or existing colours - but I do know that Mirodoll custom matches skintones, either from pictures or from samples (like a headcap). As far as I'm informed it's even free of extra charge.
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Trethowan » Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:22 am

I don't know about the tans yet (I bought one but it hasn't arrived) but I'd be willing to bet they're very similar. When my tan boy shows up I'll let you know how it compares to my tan BBB.
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Nella » Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:36 pm

Just so you know, Resinsoul recently changed the light tan colour. I know someone who received a light tan Li. The light tan right now is a grayish, greenish colour. She posted about it on the BJDAddicts facebook page and on Youtube. http://youtu.be/3O46aQOnQXQ?t=1m43s and http://youtu.be/j2hvBQY-oRI
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby ShadowKat » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:14 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone!
Jany wrote:I don't know about yellowing or existing colours - but I do know that Mirodoll custom matches skintones, either from pictures or from samples (like a headcap). As far as I'm informed it's even free of extra charge.
Thanks, Jany! I didn't know they'd actually match samples!
Trethowan wrote:I don't know about the tans yet (I bought one but it hasn't arrived) but I'd be willing to bet they're very similar. When my tan boy shows up I'll let you know how it compares to my tan BBB.
Thanks! I can't wait to see how they compare, Trethowan!
Nella wrote:Just so you know, Resinsoul recently changed the light tan colour. I know someone who received a light tan Li. The light tan right now is a grayish, greenish colour. She posted about it on the BJDAddicts facebook page and on Youtube. http://youtu.be/3O46aQOnQXQ?t=1m43s and http://youtu.be/j2hvBQY-oRI
Oh noes! It's horrible that they just changed it without letting anyone know! I've just shot Emory an email, so hopefully he'll have one at the JS still in the original light tan that I can get!
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Pandor » Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:38 pm

I just saw this the other day on DOA:
various tans by cedar*heart, on Flickr

Their RS light tan looks pretty much like what I have, which I'm pretty sure is the new greenish-grayish tan. (It certainly isn't the "coffee with cream" color I always heard everyone going on about back in the day! :lol: )
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Trethowan » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:47 pm

Nella wrote:Just so you know, Resinsoul recently changed the light tan colour. I know someone who received a light tan Li. The light tan right now is a grayish, greenish colour. She posted about it on the BJDAddicts facebook page and on Youtube. http://youtu.be/3O46aQOnQXQ?t=1m43s and http://youtu.be/j2hvBQY-oRI

eww, the gray-green sounds sorta gross. I've never heard of a tanned person who was greenish-gray unless they were in the morgue. LOL
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby Trethowan » Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:56 pm

Okay, my Mirodoll arrived and I uncovered Ryan from his hiding place. The tan skin matches really well but since it's been posted that the BBB/RS tan has been changed I think my ability to help is rendered moot. Bummer! If you'd gotten the old version of the tan you'd get a great match.
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby ShadowKat » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:02 am

Thanks for all the help, everyone! I meant to come back and post a while ago, but I keep forgetting to! XD Anywho, I've decided to keep Kat on her RS body for a while, mainly so that I can go ahead and start working on her outfits and not have to worry about them fitting later! :D Plus, it looks really nice and she can do pretty much anything I want her to do. I don't even mind the single jointed elbows and knees as much as I thought I would. She sits pretty, and her arms pose really naturally. The only trouble I've had with her was that her strings were too tight for her to look straight on properly, though I fixed that with a little hot-glue in her neck. :D

I still don't really know if Kat is the new tan color or not. When I emailed Emory before I bought her he said he hasn't noticed a color change in a while. In person, she looks a little washed out compared to some pictures I've seen of her, but certainly not gray nor green. I've had a hard time photographing her though, because she washes out really badly (<- That's my excuse for not taking pictures of her... It certainly does not have anything to do with Monster High... nope... not at all... :D)
Here's a picture I took of her hand compared to some other hands I have on hand.
Top left is an Obitsu male fleshtone hand. Top right is a Cleo de Nile hand (School's Out release). Bottom left is an Obitsu female white hand. And Kat's is the bottom right. It looks so grey and washed out here, while the others are nice and vibrant. In person, I think she looks much closer to the Limhwa tan in that picture Pandor posted.

I really love my Kat, and right now I'm working on her some new clothes (ones that are actually for her, not just what fits her). She still needs a wig and some new eyes, Monster High's just been eating all my dollieh monies right now. :D
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Re: Resinsoul/Mirodoll Resin Match and a Few Questions

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:25 pm

This is a bit belated, but I do know that RS changed their light tan about two years ago; the old tan was a bit warmer, but their new tan is really not greenish at all. Perhaps compared to some of the really orange tans resins out there, yes, I suppose it looks grey-green, but I've also, personally, felt that many of the "tan" colors out there are really ridiculous, and look like the tan-in-a-can, oompah-loompah color. RS tan also yellows quite nicely, and warms up a little bit over time.
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