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Strange things going on

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Strange things going on

Postby Rajendora » Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:09 am

With Halloween coming up again soon, I thought it would be fun to discus strange things dolls have been caught doing when no one was looking. You know, you set your doll somewhere and you leave the room, and later when you come back, you KNOW you didn't leave them in that position, there is no one else in the house and the doll was out of reach of any pets? Something that's practically impossible to happen but just has?

My girl, Jiji, (resin, SD Dragon Doll Xixi) has fingernail polish, brick red scribbles, and ever time I looked at her, the bits on the end of her nails were all 'nibbled' off. I thought it was just because of changing clothes or something. But then I touched up her nails and left her on the sofa on her shelf for about a week and checked again. Nibbled. :o
So I took all the paint off, redid her nails again and told her to knock it the heck off, it's a bad habit, and if she kept it up, no more nail polish (yes, I talk to my dolls, and other inanimate objects that don't obey me, like my car on a cold morning).
She hasn't nibbled her nails since. What the heck? :?

So what's your strange doll thing?
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Marionette » Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:31 am

That's creepy. o_o

When I was a kid... I was really afraid of dolls. :lol: BJDs would have terrified me, I'm sure, because I was afraid of porcelain dolls. Someone got me one that was basically my size, and I wouldn't let them keep her in my room. I was so scared of one that I kept on my dresser, I thought I saw her blink once! It was obviously just my imagination, but I really thought it happened, so she creeped me out. But I couldn't get rid of her. The only reason I don't still have her is that she fell off my dresser and broke -- I felt so guilty (because in my mind, she was alive :roll: ) that I couldn't throw her away and instead put her in a rubbermaid container under my bed where she stayed for years.
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Aoibara » Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:16 pm

For me, I remember prior to heading to Kyoto to order Charles, my mother and uncle always told me about the doll's hair (Or wig) growing longer slowly each day.

Even now, I am not a little girl anymore, my mother still scares me into the fact that if I do anything bad (stealing, lying, killing, etc.), the dolls will come to life and haunt me! Since I tend to believe in these kind of ghost stuff (I was raised that way.), I pretty much avoid doing anything bad before Charles and Hizuru freak me out!
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Marionette » Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:58 pm

I'm glad my parents didn't tell me that! I would have been doubly terrified. xD My imagination was so overactive.

I laugh now because I absolutely love dolls. They don't scare me a bit. Now it's my younger sister who's afraid. She told me I should lock my door at night so they can't walk around the house. :lol:
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby oniakki » Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:39 pm

Marionette wrote:{...} Now it's my younger sister who's afraid. She told me I should lock my door at night so they can't walk around the house. :lol:

Just remind her they walk around the house at night to protect it from all the other evils hiding in the dark. Well, maybe that won't help any, but might be fun.

Luckily (or unluckily depending) for me, my girls are really good at getting back to the positions they were left in.
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Jany » Sat Sep 21, 2013 3:33 pm

What happened just now can easily be explained with dolly mechanics, but the result was strange enough to make me remember this thread :lol:
I'd just finished making a pair of pants for Chris, had put them on her and stood her back on the shelf, leaning to a dresser (she's the only one of my four dolls who's got trouble standing by herself). I then picked up Lauren because I don't play with her enough (or so I feel) and stood her next to Chris, trying to make it look like they were interacting, but somehow they wouldn't ... I fiddled with Lauren's head a little and felt it move by itself. While that was definitely the elastic doing its job, her head stopped moving (by itself) in the exact position needed to make it look like she was in fact talking to Chris. Apparently she knew what to do, and better than I did 8-)
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:46 pm

When I first moved to Massachusetts, from Florida, I got to meet Myrretah in person for the first time, and Dallieh and Angel got to meet as well (they haven't been apart since). We had to unload the moving truck, so we put them side by side on a HIGH shelf in the studio while we went about the unloading. Now, one thing to know about Dallieh, he is sueded and modded heavily. He poses like a champ, and CREAKS when you try to change the pose. When we put them on the shelf, D's arms were both folded in his lap. The shelf was far too high for them to be bumped into, or jostled by moving things, or bothered by my dog. The next morning, I went to look at them, and D's arm had moved so that he was reaching for Angel.

Another time, just recently, we had Tiamet and Rune in a bird cage, and Rune had both arms braced on the edge of the cage. When I looked again, he was leaning into Tiamet and his arm was around her.
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Stormlight » Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:00 pm

Hmm. If my dolls move, they're really good at freezing the moment I enter the room. Of course, I'm so scatterbrained that even if they're in a different position, I probably wouldn't even realize it. :lol:

One of my favorite books growing up was A Little Princess, and part of the story was Sarah (the heroine) had been given a beautiful doll named Emily by her father for her birthday. And Sarah liked to pretend Emily was alive, so she and her friends would try and catch Emily in the act of moving by sneaking to the room and throwing open the door.

So, something like a moving doll probably wouldn't scare me. If I suspected my dolls might be moving, I'd turn it into a game like Sarah did and try to catch them in the act. :mrgreen:
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Janeway » Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:23 pm

:roll: Not sure if this counts as being wired/scary or not but my obitsu 1/3 Haruka Head (named Moka) keeps falling off of the laptop table that l keep her head on also she fall off the arm of the couch yesterday. I know she wants her body but she well have to wait for it.
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby miss_maishka » Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:13 pm

I just got my girl a second hand minifee flower garden outfit complete with hat and colourful socks. I dresses her all up admired her for a while, I then put her to bed and decided to leave her dressed up. Well she must have had other ideas cos when I woke up the bow holding her hat on was undone and her socks where pushed right down to her feet.......
well next time I will remember to put her in her night dress and bunny slippers :lol:
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