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Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Kirahfaye » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:38 am

You can also check out the Clothing section of Mint on Card - http://www.mintoncardinc.com/dolls/index.php They have several clothing companies with a variety of styles and if it's over $100 you can do layaway so Dollheart might still be an option.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Aoibara » Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:21 am

Victoriavictrix: Thank you for your plethora of information. T_T I really appreciate it.

Kirahfaye: Thanks! I will keep scoring around.
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Re: Any stores which carry 1/3 sized Ouji outfits?

Postby Marionette » Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:28 pm

Mint On Card carries the previously linked outfit as well as a few more of DollZone's that would work for Ouji, mostly at $68. Some fit your description. Pricy, but not $100+, at least.

Also try Promise of the World. I haven't ordered from them yet, but they have some really adorable clothes for pretty good prices and were featured on BJDCollecstasy so I'm more inclined to trust it. The more elaborate outfits are more expensive, but you can get things like short pants and vests for under $10. The only reason I haven't ordered is I want it all! TwT
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