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Strange things going on

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Re: Strange things going on

Postby Starwaia » Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:50 pm

My doll Laika hasn't been played with in a while (for more than a minute at a time). Lately I've been finding her lying turned away from me when I wake up in the morning (she sleeps on a shelf next to my bed), even when I'm SURE I turned her the other way. It's probably just her joints...?
Resin Dolliehs: Laika, Halogen, Mischka, Caitlin, Vriska, Bailey | Vinyl: Mels, Felis, Kizuna | Incompletes: Yue, Cawbri, Natalie | Others: Angel, Lagoona, Chara, various barbies | Wishlist: none atm | Saving: Clothes and stuff
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Re: Strange things going on

Postby embyquinn » Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:49 am

Cherry likes to keep eye contact with me. No matter how I position her head, or how carefully I pose her, eventually she'll end up looking at me. I know it sounds creepy when i just say it out like that, but personally I think it's kind of sweet.

Johnny isn't nearly as responsive, but as I keep him and Cherry next to each other when I'm not playing with them, he usually ends up with his hand on hers...or with his hand somewhere on her. XD He's very touchy-feely with her. Once I even found Cherry sitting in his lap and I KNOW I didn't put her there...O.o

The rest of the krewe tend to shift position more subtly, although just yesterday Miya had her arm stretched out as though she was pointing at something. I haven't figured out what yet. I don't know if she wants something across the room or if she's just waving at me.
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