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Udder Randomness

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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Tue Nov 12, 2013 8:37 am

Vetinari wrote:Also really raw stuff/shellfish is considered bad for kids? Huh... Not sure what to make of that - is it actually true, or just overprotectiveness?

That really depends on the source you're getting it from and the which years recomendations you're listening to. Dr's tend to go back and forth on the issue of whether the benefits of fish outweigh the risks and what ages are safe. Currently the recommendations most doctors will give you is an across the board no fish for kids, no raw fish until their teenagers. So it's not parental overprotectiveness if that's what the doctors are saying, but that doesn't necassarly reflect the actual danger. Moderation, the type of fish, and knowing where your food is coming from are really the biggest factors there. Here's the EPA's take on it: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/swguidance ... _index.cfm

EDIT: for the raw food thing, knowing the source of the food, how fresh it is, and how it's been stored/handled is key. For instance, I won't eat sushi that contains raw fish if I haven't seen it prepared or if it wasn't made right when I ordered it. Since I don't live near the coast, I know the major fish reseller that stocks most of the local restaurants. I know their standards for how a fish is handled from catch to sale. If a restaurant doesn't get it's stock from that reseller I won't eat it, because I don't know what might have happened to it during transport. Also why I don't eat raw sushi while visiting the midwest unless whoever I'm with can really vouch for it. (In case it wasn't clear I really really love my sushi/sashimi)
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby knittnkitten » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:16 am

Trethowan wrote:Dunno if I could eat sardines, they still have eyeballs. Ick.

I have never eaten sardines with eyeballs. I usually eat the canned ones, they are cheap and taste pretty good.

plus you can acquire allergies at anytime, not letting them have peanuts or shellfish isn't going to prevent getting an allergy.
and I'm also sure that occasional sushi isn't going to hurt anyone's kid, especially if they have a healthy immune system, which needs to be challenged one in a while to be healthy. its like what they say, you let a kid eat dirt, and they'll be healthier, with less allergies for it.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:44 am

knittnkitten wrote:plus you can acquire allergies at anytime, not letting them have peanuts or shellfish isn't going to prevent getting an allergy.

Fun fact. My husband became deathly allergic (like needs to carry an epi pen) to carrots when he was already in college. That's right. Carrots. He was working for a caterer during the summer break when he 19/20ish and one day he could eat the salad, the next day it literally sent him into anaphylactic shock. If his boss didn't know exaclty how to handle a severe allergic reaction he probably would have died. Now he can't even touch them. It's like a severe nut allergy reaction but no one is ever prepared for it because who the hell is allergic to carrots?
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby DollyKim » Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:52 am

Sudden mood or behavior change can be a sign of a food or additive allergy too. I didn't discover I have a sensitivity to peanuts until my 30s. My reaction is chemical and they alter my mood to grumpy. It could have been a life long problem or onset after a severe flu I had a couple of years before. Within a couple weeks of giving it up there was a major difference and I've felt much better since.

*My vintage Licca I'm working on cleaning, lets paint a mask on er face with markers!, looks to be a Takara Lisa doll. Trying to find out more about her so I can make some clothes in her style and get her hair back in to a flip. Every doll that passed through my sister's hands ended up with a ratty braid or bun on its head :/
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby kenaiqueen » Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:39 pm

Yeah, it's getting dark now around 4:30-ish and there's snow on the ground, but damn, we have fine, fresh fish up here. ;o)
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Trethowan » Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:39 pm

famedglory wrote:
knittnkitten wrote:plus you can acquire allergies at anytime, not letting them have peanuts or shellfish isn't going to prevent getting an allergy.

Fun fact. My husband became deathly allergic (like needs to carry an epi pen) to carrots when he was already in college. That's right. Carrots. He was working for a caterer during the summer break when he 19/20ish and one day he could eat the salad, the next day it literally sent him into anaphylactic shock. If his boss didn't know exaclty how to handle a severe allergic reaction he probably would have died. Now he can't even touch them. It's like a severe nut allergy reaction but no one is ever prepared for it because who the hell is allergic to carrots?

If he were a rabbit, he'd be screwed. Ha, kidding.

I know several folks who have had sudden onset allergy responses to a variety of things. I grew up with cats, now I can't be around them. I tested that tonight, in fact. I couldn't resist snuggling my friend's cat and sure enough I started feeling itchy. So sad. I miss kittieh snuggles.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:39 am

*sigh* I've hit a new low...I'm seriously contemplating sending the little backstabber who was acting like a spy on me and my friends, RP forum by my stalker a pile of actual shit...There's a site called Shitsenders.com where you can order a pile of dung and have it mailed to someone you hate anonymously...

It's so tempting...And I'm not feeling bad about it...

It's only a low cause...


>> Beware person who I happily showed my real face to at one point in time...It's comin'...One day.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby Vetinari » Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:09 pm

...In the process of reducing the Monster High Horde from 15 to 6 ...And feeling unjustifiably proud of myself for doing so... Horder tendencies flaring up!

(The select 6 are Original Ghoulia, Frankie, Operetta and Spectra ...And a customised Ghoulia & Operetta...)
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
...reshelling Szesil Markowski and Garan Idasson
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby DollyKim » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:45 pm

All the episodes of Gatchaman translated, unedited, dubbed by people who give a **** coming out on DVD. Some of it is on You Tube and finally it's wonderfully weird and funny and everything it should have been in the first place.
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Re: Udder Randomness

Postby famedglory » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:58 am

Contemplating scaling down my entire doll cast to 1:12 doll house scale over the holidays.
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