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Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

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Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Myrretah » Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:01 am

So I have a GIANT project in every single way the word can be defined. His name is Ferrous. First, Ferrous should not exist. He was bought for me and was second hand on ebay. The listing was vague but I know that face anywhere. The pictures were worse. He looked like a normal yellow on a really gloomy day in fluorescent lighting that was flickering. Then I opened the box. HE is dark tan, warm, he is just the most amazing tan that you could find. The first thing that I found was shin... then the package of his hands. Oh my his hands.... you'll see. Then I just kept digging until I found that most of him was still strung. I pulled him out and pulled th wrapping away and noticed a piece of resin fell out into my lap. It was a part of his ribs. it was about an inch or so long and a half inch deep, just broken off. He was still, just so beautiful. So I trotted over to the computer to see exactly what I had and went straight to the dream of doll site... then opened the den. There is no such thing as a dark tan ducan with elf ears. There is one that has fangs and elf ears... one... only one ever. At first I figured, eh... It's ok I'll figure it out. We didn't know and we will report the seller so that it doesn't happen again. Then I unstrung him and discovered a three inch crack up his back. Now I can't report the seller because I need to claim on the insurance... but I can find the recast site and send it to DoD, formally apologize, and offer to compensate them for use of their sculpt. I didn't know. We had no way of knowing even what color he was with the pictures and the listing was, well now we know to be suspicious when it is that vague, less than wordy... like it said it was a ducan and that's it. So that aside I now have a dark tan elf ducan, who received the ok to exist from dream of doll themselves, who had a big chunk out of his ribs and a huge crack up his back.... with the worst case of seamlineitus ever. Now I have a DoD Luke and his seamlines were pretty bad too... and my fairyland, goodness. Companies, clean up your kids before you ship them out. My cheap dolls come cleaner! So this is where we begin:

I didn't take a picture of the damage to his Neck. My girlfriend has it for the claim. You can see though... he is pretty jacked up. Ya know what though... I fought too hard for him to be as legit as I could and the ducan was the first doll that I ever saw. It is that sculpts fault that I got D and that I started to sculpt at all. I saw him and I thought... I can make my characters real. People will be able to see them the way I do, even the bad parts. I love this little guy too much to let him moulder as a broken almost. Ferrous is getting a music box movement installed in his chest. It plays the song Lilium from Elfin lied. The character is mute. The winding key for the music box goes where his heart should be or is on a chain around his neck. Because of this he has all sorts of carved out sections so when the music box movement plays, you can see it moving inside of him. There will be other gears here and there inside his body that turn and work as they should. To fix the crack up his back I am going to reinforce the lower part of that area with a raised design made from industrial grade epoxy. I will cut t he crack out and will sculpt his exposed spinal column so I can use it to hide the elastics and offer the remaining resin stability. there will be another area up higher that will also have an exposed portion of his spinal column. He has both additive and subtractive patterns across his entire torso which tie in to the cut throughs that expose the movement in his chest. I have started the mods and drawn in the patterns where I intend to add or grind away.


and... because I love him so much this is what his face looked like before I stripped it... and his beautiful hand holding tha hand of a DZ normal skin doll so you can see the color.

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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:07 am

I would have flipped my lid. 1) Being sold a recast and 2) never molded before. Seems you got it all under control. I love the music box idea.
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Pandor » Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:22 am

Oooh, I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with him! Those mods you're proposing sound epic <3
Too bad he turned out to be a recast and got damaged in shipping, it's nice DoD gave their blessing though.
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Kirahfaye » Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:10 pm

One thing to seriously take into consideration before beginning ANY modding of a recast doll - very often the recast is made from inferior and even toxic resin material! If you are going to be doing any sanding at all, be sure to wear gloves and have a very good quality respirator. The cost will far and away be less than any skin or lung injury you could incur!
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Myrretah » Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:56 pm

I was actually very worried about that Kirahfaye, especially since he cracked. It turns out the resin that was used is crazy strong. It does not smell like eurothane but more like smooth-on resin which is the same stuff I use. No I was not sniffing poisonous dolly goodness. I am covered in it, but I did not sniff my dolly I swear. Thank you very much for the advise and I was very tentative when I first started grinding till I recognized what he was made of.

the best way I can fix the frustration and annoyance is to power through to what he is to be. Ferrous will no longer be a black ducan because only one of those exists. He will be his own little person and not share any traits with what he was made to look like. I am even modding his face, though it is to make it appear to be a plate that seats in place upon his head with a large stone set just under his hairline. I don't want mine to be mistaken for the black ducan. I want people to have absolutely no idea what it is, just like all of my other dolls.

I worked on him today. I made the hole in his chest on both sides and ground the patterns into him. I also sanded him smooth so he has no seamlines at all. I started drawing the detail on his hands and arms. The forearms are going to have cut throughs, the upper arms will not. I still am waiting for him to tell me about his abdomen and legs. I will start with the epoxy on him tonight. I want to reinforce his back where it cracked. I can't do the cut through there until I hear back from the post office. I still have the parts that have chipped off of him in a bag on my desk. My poor Ferrous. Anyway, here he is :)


I started making his eyes too. Soon he will look like his own little self which is exactly as it should be. I hope you like the beginning. More to come :)
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:59 pm

Thread his elastics inside through springs. They'll never look like elastic then when people look inside the cut-outs.
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Myrretah » Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:26 pm

I was either going to do that or I was going to get elastics that were banded brown and green. He was rocking some pretty thick elastics and I found a marine supply place that had the right size in all sorts of colors (for kayaks I guess). I was initially upset because they only had white with a black stripe... but now, hooray!!!!
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Vetinari » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:01 pm

Wow! He's looking pretty spectacular so far eeh it'll be fun watching your progress on this guy
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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby Myrretah » Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:06 am

I made this amazing post where I explained everything but it was eaten by time and the site logging me out for no good reason so now you get the abbreviated version. I worked on his lower torso.


I modded his face despite that the Ducan was a grail of mine... but was just too baby faced for Ferrous. I loved the innocence of him but he was just too young. Here are before and after pictures and yes I will be installing that stone in his forehead after I finish making his face look like it is a removable faceplate. Before:


and after...

Image Image

And now the modded torso and face together. He wants to be whole.


And a picture of him with Zephyr, who is Okamikodomo's little guy. Zephyr and Ferrous are from the same storyline and Zephyr is a sorcerer architect. Though Ferrous is not his creation, because he is so unfinished, Zephyr sees him as one of his charges and is protective of him. Ferrous has the eyes that I made for him in at this point. I still have a little more work to do on those too.

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Re: Ferrous ~ DoD Ducan salvage

Postby takahirokumiko » Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:20 am

Wow, he looks amazing.
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