Alopecia no Hime YES! More psychotics like me! I am one of those people that go...pardon the french, but BATSHIT CRAZY when I'm waiting for something. And if something is taking longer than the projected deadline I immediately go into Breakdown Mode like "OH GOD *SOBSOB* IT GOT LOST IN THE MAIL OR CRUSHED BY AN ELEPHANT I'M NEVER RECEIVING MY ITEM!!" <---Obviously this syndrome is really bad if it's an item without a tracking number or if the person doing a custom outfit/whatever isn't easy to reach. Right now I've got the itchies because in one case it's Bandai and they don't give a flying banana that it's not easy waiting another couple months for their product, and in the other case
Setsunakou warned me of their "could be six months" deadline and I paid off everything by...mid December I think, so there's obviously not going to be any movement on that front! But....ARGH I HATE WAITING.
SymphonicEnkelli Well, if you read above you'll see I'm obviously "not very patient--bordering on psychotic" when I need to wait for things. For some reason waiting for stuff makes my wallet seem to just fly open too. It's like my brain is reminding me of all the new shiny things I want---but conveniently forgot about until I had something "waiting in the wings" as it were. I also have an online shopping addiction, and I think I accidentally passed that disease on to my mother too (at first she was all "Booo horrible internet" but around Christmas time she went hogwild and decided the internet was the most awesome shopping mall EVER). I'm definitely a bird stuck in a woman's body, because I have that "SHINY THINGS!" problem. I'm reminded of when I went to the pet store (can't own a bird sadly because our house temperature fluctuates too much, damn brick exterior) and all of the birds in the glassed-in display cage were following my hand around the glass barrier because I had worn a gemstone ring, and it was like watching a hundred little miniature faces with "oooooh shiny" syndrome. The bird I asked to see (I have to play with them even if I can't keep em) tried to steal it. He kept trying to peck the crystal out of the setting. That's basically me, except I'm pecking at the keyboard and on a tight budget, so this Polly almost never gets her cracker.