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first MH repaint + second one

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: first MH repaint

Postby MeltedCaramel » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:31 pm

michellebebe Is this your first doll repaint? Or just your first MH repaint? Either way....wow, I completely take off my hat to you. Normally I'm not fond of MH repaints that deviate too strongly from the MH style because it starts looking strange with the face shape, but this looks natural and gorgeous and just...wow, I can't explain how stunning!!
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Re: first MH repaint

Postby michellebebe » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:16 am

Thank you. This is my first doll repaint. I saw beautiful repaints and first thing that came to my mind was Why do not you try it.
I think that with a little practise everyone can do great doll repaints.
Dolls I own: Edwina (Ds-grown up Amara), Hieronym (Ds-Xixi), Dawei (MH-Draculaura)
Waiting, planning: Lawrence (Ios-Mezz/)
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Re: first MH repaint

Postby MeltedCaramel » Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:08 pm

michellebebe Ahhh, wow, for your first doll repaint ever that's even more incredible!! :D As for repainting, hah, all my money seems to be dumped into recreating the anime characters I love who are never in danger of getting themselves a 1/6 figure (ahh, sarcasm in the mid afternoon), so I'm usually stuck to a certain look if I want my repaints to look like the characters I'm doing. Also, I seem to have inadvertently picked The Base Dolls From Hell. Everyone mentions washing the facepaint away with acetone...pshaww, I'm on my...oh my, I've lost count, but I think it's sixth or seventh heavy duty application of remove-zit. :lol: It's all delaying my already delayed fun!! But in all seriousness, I would adore seeing more of your work!! <3333
"You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." -Robin Williams
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