Lols Dollykim, now I imagine her shouting in a phonetic accent and Ken humbly doing her chores for her. If you do headswap, you got to bevel the neck hole and thicken the doll neck knob for the headswap to work well.
David, thanks! Gillian had really nice eyes, I just disliked all the shiny make up surrounding it...
Lols tbh I was planning to leave the doll in the box and just play with the Ken but something about this face commanded to have her own personality. Poor Spud, I think he's f%^&ing scared of this Barbie.
Kirahfaye, I blame people for showing their childhood dolls for making me want a version of them...
Mary Kathryn, haha yeep. I need to make her a room full of coats made from My Little Pony skin, Fairy dust and children's tears...
Also GODDESS HEAD VERY FTW. I can't wait for that Barbie Basic goddess with red hair...
Outbriefcandle, thanks about Gillian. Snob!Barbie is definitely selfcentered evil... Maybe even an Adult!Veruca Salt...
Haha Mercedes, I knew Barbie never had nice origins......