Ugh instead of a productive day of job apps and seller photos the last 18 hours have been spent in a hair-pulling state of having to be the "Adult" as my hoarder of a Smother finallly allows me into her Room of Stuff...
Oh gods - it's even worse than I thought it was, there were several suitcases worth of old children's clothes piled up that she's either keeping for sentimental reasons or "to give to my niece" (Which knowing Smother and the kid's shallow mum is never going to happen... Not even taking into account that said mother/daughter pair live on the other side of the globe...)
Ugh there has been some progress - but the sheer amount of stuff that just went straight back into the room...
And of course I'm trying to lead by example, and am actively making myself throw out stuff of mine that I really would like to keep in an ideal world just to show I'm not a f*cking hypocrite. It's hard. She's so happy to sling my stuff - but dare to mention throwing any of her cr*p (and yes most of it really is utter sh*t - it shouldn't feel like a victory that you've convinced someone to throw out food that's 10 years out of date...) and it's temper tantrums worthy of a toddler. We have cupboards full of VHS tapes, we don't have a VHS player. The tantrum thrown because "We recorded this stuff!" was truly epic. And when I say recorded, I don't mean with a camera - I mean old TV shows - most of which we have DVD boxsets of.
Bizarrely the thing that finally triggered her willingness to enter The Room and try to sort it was my promise that I'd sell some of my uni-era stuff (That she'd dumped in there unbeknownst to me... no wonder I couldn't find it in my box/bedroom where the majority of my things reside...) though of course that was the one thing that didn't emerge from The Room - so god knows - it'll probably turn up crushed/flattened like all of my posters did the other day (ugh another story of Smother moving my things without my knowledge - forgetting where she'd put them - and then crushing them underneath other things - the entire damned lot had to be dumped but that's the difficulty when your room is the Box room - and it is the most literal use of that term ever - since as well as an awful lot of pre-uni stuff that I'd sincerely love to be rid of there is 4 years of uni stuff piled in here too making most things innaccessible - because I daren't take up much more of the house given what tends to happen to anything outside of my room)
Ugh and to top it all off it's been an absolutely miserable day - with only about half an hours worth of photograph-worthy sunlight. So v.few seller photos were acheived, if any. I've only just had time to sit down and have a look