Kirahfaye wrote:I'm feeling a bit disappointed right now. I told my husband early this week that I wanted a specific Ai for my Mother's Day gift and he made a face (I don't think he realized that) and didn't say a thing other than it was small. The doll I showed him is still on Ebay.... so, yeah. Not hopeful here.
zirconmermaid wrote:Sad Panda! Which one did you want?
Kirahfaye wrote: I can't pay for them outright myself, but I could call the store and ask them to hold the doll(s) for me to pick up providing I get paid in full before I go buy any. One is a Kangaroo Paw (so cute!), one is Azalea and one is Phlox. The total would be $39.00 (the doll plus tax plus shipping), so I don't know if anyone would be interested enough. I thought I'd put it out there for consideration, though.
kenaiqueen wrote:I'd be interested in Kangaroo Paw, but I don't get paid til this Friday. Would they hold it that long?
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