Ahh, sorry to hear that sweetie! Mmm, okay, I've noticed this with my own PureNeemo (AND my Obitsus). Sometimes the joints actually seem to..."stick". (Can't think of a better word for this.
The English language fails me at this moment.) The joint will seem to almost get caught on nothing. The way I usually coax mine out of that position is by doing some very gentle rotation, making sure to not put a ton of resistance into the motion since I'm not always positive where the non-existent obstruction is. I can usually coax the joint out of its locked state that way.
You may want to think about replacing the PureNeemo body with an Obitsu one hun. I know the PN line is much "cuter" looking but they really don't hold up well. (In my opinion, for the record. Not saying everyone feels the same way.)
Although, I'm PMing you anyway so I'll mention this in more detail but provided you can get her peg out without a ton of damage I'll fix it for you if you want. :3 It's not going to look quite as pretty as I'm going to have to use the action-figure method of drilling into the peg and gluing it back in with some wire as a steadying device, and of course the joint will always be a bit more fragile, but I don't think Pure Neemo has replacement feet!