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Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby Nella » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:47 am

Wow Richila, those dresses are amazing!
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby Trethowan » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:56 am

I have successfully created a craft corner in my basement. It's not *completely* finished but the furniture is in place, most stuff is unboxed, and doll projects have been placed, ready for work. Jim's sitting on my shelf waiting for his faceplate to be glued back on. I even have my posters on the wall, doggone it. Oh yeah!
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby DollyKim » Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:42 pm

Write write write, by hand, knit knit knit, by hand.
Sari yarn.
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby Caidanbi » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:25 pm

I am working on a glass beaded costume of The Firebird for my porcelain bjd Bu Yong. It's been a long time, but it's almost finished! Pretty much I just need to make the shoes...
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby richila » Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:52 pm

DollyKim wrote:She doesn't have one in the variegated pink-choclate brown the Lizbeth thread comes in ~enable enable enable~. I applaud you, I've got down to a 20 dress but only gage swatches in the 40.

Ooooh, she would look like neopolitan ice cream!
Nella wrote:Wow Richila, those dresses are amazing!

Thank you!

I have had a pinched nerve for all of July and couldn't use my right arm and hand without pain. Crochet is no fun if it hurts. After the doctor, for pain meds, and 4 chiropractic visits, I am finally feeling like doing projects again.
Today I put together a shop for Richi out of Legos and now I am crocheting her a sweater for the fall out of super fine pastel rainbow cashmere.
It feels so good to be ale to do things again.
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby SetsunaKou » Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:38 pm

richila wrote:
DollyKim wrote:She doesn't have one in the variegated pink-choclate brown the Lizbeth thread comes in ~enable enable enable~. I applaud you, I've got down to a 20 dress but only gage swatches in the 40.

Ooooh, she would look like neopolitan ice cream!
Nella wrote:Wow Richila, those dresses are amazing!

Thank you!

I have had a pinched nerve for all of July and couldn't use my right arm and hand without pain. Crochet is no fun if it hurts. After the doctor, for pain meds, and 4 chiropractic visits, I am finally feeling like doing projects again.
Today I put together a shop for Richi out of Legos and now I am crocheting her a sweater for the fall out of super fine pastel rainbow cashmere.
It feels so good to be ale to do things again.

:hugs: Oh, I can sympathize with you, Richila-san!!! You just don't realize how difficult all the little, normal everyday duties you can normally perform without a blink are, when you're in pain like that! I never imagined before I wouldn't be able to do things when I wanted to and it IS a good feeling like you said, when you can finally just DO things again!!! I'm so glad for you!! And can't wait to see what beautiful work you come up with next!!!! :)
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby richila » Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:50 pm

Thank you Setsunakou!

Tari by richila9098, on Flickr

I have been crocheting hats for a group doll project. It took me 4 tries to get the scale right for size 6-7. I have been crocheting for Micro dolls for a while.
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby Jobee » Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:53 pm

I want to make a wooden wardrobe for Amiga, but with all my research, it just doesn't seem feasible for me. I thought I could just take a wooden box and make it work. Couldn't find the right box. I might just find a small suitcase... I was so excited too, when I saw some little coat hangers and all that. :(

I also want to make Amiga some shoes. Why? I can't find bloody shoes that will fit on her feet! Her heels are huge so shoes that should fit her scale do not. I don't really want to make Amiga shoes, but I'm going to do it because I want her to have shoes. I'm having trouble finding tutorials, but I think I can make something up.

I'm making Amiga's clothes less boring with some buttons and details. The heart belt buckle in her fashion show got rave reviews, so I decided to run with that. Got more buttons and some ribbon and things are looking more interesting. When I feel I have enough to show, I'll do another fashion photoshoot.

And accessories! Well, technically I'm making my sister, a professional jeweler, make a few accessories for me. Necklaces out of buttons and beads and such. I'll probably make Amiga another belt or two as well.

Last goal for the moment, underwear! Someone on here made little dolly underwear out of big underwear and I think that's brilliant and I'm going to try it. As soon as I get to Walmart...
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby DollyKim » Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:43 am

What about the wardrobe doesn't seem feasible? You can get tiny hinges and stuff. I understand not finding the right box and wanting to build it ~looks at Young Sherlock~ I made a TARDIS out of foam core and the outside looked okay until the cat squashed it.

Once he arrives I'm about to try and put all my accessory talents to use on a new to me doll. Shoes included, but you can make doll shoes like you would make people shoes. I have no idea what I'll be doing but I'm going to try.
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Re: Projects: In Progess or Ideas? What'choo Workin' On?

Postby plastig_ffantastig » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:23 pm

I've just ordered an awesome girl from WildflowerDolls who I want to turn into Poly Styrene.

Alison head.

Poly Styrene.

I've bought some mini zips to make a couple of the foam zip dresses like in the pic, and I need to get some helmets and goggles to complete the look. :D
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